
Sunday, May 26, 2013

**Book Blitz & Giveaway ~ Inspire ~ Heather Buchine**

Hey! I'm so happy to be sharing Inspire, by Heather Buchine, with y'all. I have all the pertinent details below AND I'm able to offer ONE ecopy of Inspire to a lucky commenter. This giveaway is open internationally and ends May 31st. The winner will be chosen randomly.


Inspire  by Heather Buchine
Publication date: March 31st 2013
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance

18-year old Paige Rice, an exquisite beauty from East Hampton, NY, has just celebrated her high school graduation and is expecting to spend her summer living it up with all her socialite friends. But her parents have a different idea – she is being hauled away-literally- to the mountains of Vermont for the entire summer- in an RV!

Assuming she will be an outcast amongst the other teens at the campground still does not prepare her for the treatment she receives, which is far worse than she imagined. She also isn’t prepared for Travis, the campground owner’s son and the “Sexiest” guy she has ever laid eyes on. Travis is the only one who shows any interest in getting to know Paige. The only problem is that they have to explore what lies between them in secret. But once all the secrets are stripped away, the truth may be crushing.

***Intended for mature audiences due to language and sexual content***

Purchase Inspire here:


Interview with Heather 

1. Where did the idea for Inspire come from?

I was actually camping with my family when the idea for the story came to me.  We had just hiked through the woods down to a lake, and I was staring out at the boats when it hit me.  I spent the rest of the afternoon “daydreaming” away.

2. How did you come up with the name of the title?

My protagonist, Paige, has a tattoo that inspired the title “Inspire.” It’s also a key part of her character.

3.  What was the hardest part of writing Inspire? The easiest?

The hardest part of writing the book was writing the ending.  It took a couple of drafts before I was happy with the way I was leaving off.  (I’m trying not to give too much away, so I’ll leave it at that.) The easiest part was writing the dialogue between Paige and Travis, and the “LOVE” scenes. They were fun to write!!

4. Are you working on any other projects?

Yes. At least two of the other characters from this book are getting their own stories, and then there are a couple other projects in the works.  

5. Do you have a specific writing process?

I really consider myself a mix between a panster and a plotter. The first part of my process is visualizing the characters and the main scenes of the book.  My mind starts playing them out like a movie, and so I write it down exactly how I see it.  Then, I go back and fill in the story around those scenes until I have a book that I would like to jump into.  Although I outline my book ahead of time, things always change along the way as I get to know my characters better.  

6.  Do you have a certain time of day where you feel most creative?

Honestly, not really.  I usually always have a notebook nearby so that I can scribble down things as they come to me.  I could be in the shower, in the car, running through the check-out line, or making dinner and something may hit me.  

7. Do you have any favorite authors?

Yes, I have LOTS of favorite authors, but the two that stick out the most are: S.C. Stephens and Abbi Glines.  Their stories come to life for me, and I have a thing for their leading men!

8. What tips or advice do you have for other aspiring writers?

My first tip would be to write what you love! Second, edit, edit and edit some more. And third, if you’re a self-published author, let someone else do your formatting.  (Your time saved is so worth the money!)


By no surprise my favorite hobbies are reading and writing. But beyond escaping into the written fantasy world, I love experiencing new things. Surfing, motorcycle riding, snow blading, glass blowing, parasailing, SUP boarding are just a few that I have checked off my bucket list, but there is still so much more to explore. Right now, being a mom is my biggest adventure and the best by far!! In the quiet calm hours of the night though, I can usually be found typing away creating a world of romance where drama still exists but love (hopefully!!) always prevails.

Author Links:
Website / Goodreads / Facebook


  1. Thanks for he interview. Looks great :-)

  2. Oh, I like the synopsis and the cover is awesome! Outcast type stories always get me. I spend a lot of time in my head with my characters too. And I love how she came up with the idea for Inspire. I love leaving town for that very reason...inspiration!

  3. What a great sounding "duck out of water" story. Going on my TBR list!

  4. Looks interesting. Thanks for taking the time to do an interview. Can't wait to read.

    alisa_kaminski at yahoo dot com

  5. Oooh, this sounds really good! Thanks for bringing the book to my attention, Brandee!


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