
Saturday, May 11, 2013

**My RT 2013 Experience**

So, I promised y'all some pictures from the RT Booklovers Convention. :) Let me just say, it was quite the experience! I'd never attended a book convention before and apparently I picked the mother of all conventions to attend my first time out of the gate! ;) I'm really more of an introverted person - hello! bookworm, here. And there were soooo many people and soooo many books. I ended up having a grand time! I may even go again next year! ;)

I have lots and lots and lots to say about my time at RT but rather than cause any more convention envy than you already have, ;) I thought I'd just give y'all some highlights, lowlights, and lessons learned...along with the pictures, of course!


  • Who knew there were so many Brand-ee, i, ie's in the world?!? 

-After communicating electronically for close to a year, I finally got to meet Brandee, of Brandee's Book Endings. We roomed together and had a blast!
-Who knew there were so many Brand-ee, i, ie's in the world?!? I met another Brandi on my first night in Kansas City. She and her aunt, Debbie, were so kind as to allow me to have dinner with them. We ended up spending a lot of time together - and had so much fun! 

  •  Hanging out with other readers and aspiring writers! So many in one location. ;)
  • Meeting and talking with my favorite authors as well as meeting some new ones - and adding more books to my already overloaded TBR! ;)
  • I had dinner with Jillian Dodd and Bonnie Burgess...yeah, the perks of knowing Brandee from BBE!
  • I attended a cocktail party where I got to meet Jasinda Wilder, Denise Grover Swank, Jana DeLeon, Jane Graves, Colleen Gleason (aka Joss Ware, aka Collette Gale ;), Theresa Ragan, Dorien Kelly...
  • I met authors I've done blog tours for - and they knew me! *squee* 
me to Anna Silver: Hey Anna! I just did a blog tour for you!
Anna: Yes you did! Thanks for the great review! It's so nice to meet you.
*author next to Anna leaning over to get my attention*
me to DINA SILVER: Oh my god! Hey Dina! I reviewed your book too!
Dina: I thought I recognized you!
me: *what???*
Oh, all the fangirling I's just such an amazing event. To get to meet the people behind the books that I LOVE to read...see, I'm still fangirling! ;) The list of authors I met is just - I have no words - from the prolific to the was incredible! And I somehow overcame my tongue-tied, starry-eyed-ness and was able to speak to them all. I'm sure I even squealed a time or two. Oh, and I blushed a lot too! (note: I have a slight tendency to blush like a 12 year old...okay, maybe not slight ;) I made some authors laugh hysterically at my blushing...Catherine Bybee even said "I'm so putting that in a book!" But hanging out with authors...just like hanging out with friends. It was so phenomenal! 

By the way, YES, E.L. James did attend. She was there covertly though, and I never saw her. :(


  • My flight to KC was delayed because of SNOW!
  • My suitcase arrived in KC in a plastic bag because the zipper busted - lots of clothes dirty and I lost 2 socks! 
  • People can be rude.
-If you're going into a workshop solely for the chocolate being served, please have the courtesy to wait until the author is finished with their reading before walking out...seriously!
-If you're an unpublished author, please note there are times and places for you to pitch your books. Please don't pitch your book to authors, under the guise of asking them a question about their own work, during a workshop where some people are actually trying to learn something from the published authors!

Lessons Learned

  • Don't pack a hairdryer. The hotels ALWAYS have one and it may not work just like yours from home, but trust me. You're gonna need the space for books and swag!
  • Pack small articles of clothing. See above. ;)
  • Take bigger suitcases! Again, see above. :)
  • Take business cards. I can't tell you how many authors asked me for my card...and guess what?!? I certainly don't have any. I mean, I'm not big time enough for that, right?!? Nope. Authors love to meet bloggers and want your info. My new pal, Tina Reber...*squeee* she set me up. Told me everything I needed to know about designing the perfect card! :)

Okay, now for the part y'all are really waiting for...the pictures. 


  1. I wonder when they are going to do one in New York? Or, do we already have one here that I don't know about it?

    Oh! I'll remember not to pack the hair dryer! I am going on vacation soon.

    1. You do have BEA there in New York, Lectus. I did consider attending that one but I have to be honest and say New York really intimidates me! ;)

      Hope you enjoy your vacation!

  2. I was there this year too it was great. So true about rude people but I'm glad you had a good time over all! Sorry about the flight!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it as well! And the flight...well, it was worth it in the end! LOL

  3. Brandee, what a wonderful trip. I love the recap. Sadness about the flight and then the zipper! Kind of funny about the socks, maybe not yet for you. Too soon. I turn red just like that. The kids at my son's preschool love it. Why do people always call attention to it? I've never understood. Maybe because we turn even redder! I feel like such an introvert since becoming a special needs mom that I can't imagine being as social as you were. That is so awesome. I smiled through the entire post, then I said out loud, OH MY GOD, at your book haul. No wonder you mentioned the hairdryer taking up space. Goodness!! I still can't imagine meeting all those authors. I feel even more shy now that I am an author. I need to snap out of that. I did sort of smile at a guy the other day. That counts as coming out of my shell, right? Happy Mother's Day, Brandee!! And thanks for sharing your awesome trip with us!

    1. Hiya, Robyn! Yeah, I can laugh about the socks now. :) And it could've been so much worse, right? And thankfully everything arrived home safely. I'm glad you can empathize with my red face. People really do love calling attention to it. One of my co-workers enjoys trying to make me blush! I really am introverted - my husband was shocked when I told him about talking to these authors. But I just told myself I may not have this kind of opportunity again and I don't think they're going to mind my gushing over their work, right? I mean, if I met you, would you mind me fangirling over you?!? LOL Oh, and it totally counts that you smiled at a guy! I'm proud of you for that! :) Anyway...the books...I KNOW! I came home with 90 something books! And I have codes for ebook freebies too! Truly, I don't know when I'll have the time to read them all! ;) I hope you had a marvelous Mother's Day, Robyn. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

  4. So glad you had a fabulous time! The pics are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I'm going with you next time - seriously!!! Even if I have to stow away in your luggage. And I will make us both business cards and bookmarks LOL. I cannot believe all the authors you got to meet. So incredible. I would have been blushing exactly the same way so don't feel bad. Thank you so much for sharing this experience! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. Well, I'm buying a new suitcase, Jaclyn, so at least you won't end up in the cargo hold! LOL And I'd love you to make business cards and bookmarks for us - that'd be awesome! It was a lot of fun but truly exhausting for me. Being social when you're not that social takes a lot out of you! ;) And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who blushes so really was embarrassing. :) Thanks for sharing my experience with me, Jaclyn!

  6. Oh. My. God! That. Sounds. Too. Awesome. For. Words!!

    I wanna come too, and I'll make business cards and stuff as well! I would so love to hang out with other bloggers! I need to check my calendar for next year!

    Totally awesome post - even if I am a little (OK, a lot!) jealous ;)

    1. It was an amazing experience, Lexxie. Maybe you can come next year - it's in New Orleans! Much better venue than Kansas City - although I won't complain about it. :)

      Thanks for stopping by Lexxie - even if I induced some jealousy. It wasn't intentional! :)

  7. So happy you had a great time! I can't wait for RT14!

    1. Hope you had fun as well, Andrea! And I hope to make it again next year! And maybe I'll get to meet ya! ;)

  8. Everyone who has talked about RT had a lot of fun! I'm green with envy and well I'm just glad everyone who attended had a great time! Yes, business cards are important. At least you know what to prep for next time. :)

    I attended a local book festival this weekend and I have to say romance writers were the nicest! The local chapter of RWA, the ladies were awesome to talk to. I had no idea how to approach their booth and they just waved hello and told me to help myself to swag and some signed books even though I wasn't there for that.

  9. Ahhhh Brandee, sounds like you had a FANTASTIC time, I am SO happy for you :D What an amazing experience for your first time out to a convention like this! I sure am hoping right now that I'll have as much fun when I go up to BEA as you did at RT!!! Loved the pictures, your highs and lows AND your gushing :D Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful experience ♥

  10. ughhhhh, I am sooooo jealous! I've been dying to go to a book convention. I'm seriously going to have to do some major begging to the family and tell them to score me tickets or something as a birthday/Christmas/just-because-I'm-awesome present. Loved reading about your time though, made me super excited, lol. And jealous, but we'll pretend that didn't happen. ;D


Now you know what I think...what are your thoughts??