
Thursday, May 23, 2013

**Review ~ Lockout ~ Maya Cross

Hey y'all! I'm ecstatic to be reviewing the second book in Maya Cross' The Alpha Group series, Lockout. I reviewed the first book in the series, Locked, in April. If you missed that review, you can read it here. And I'll be (im)patiently waiting for July to get here on and you'll see why. ;)


Lockout by Maya Cross
The Alpha Group #2
Published May 19, 2013

Who is Sebastian Lock?

Sophia had never felt attraction like that before. Raw. Electric. Irresistible. Swept off her feet by the dashing, enigmatic billionaire Sebastian Lock, she was taken on a journey of self discovery, taken to places she never dreamed she'd go.

But things are never as simple as they appear. Sophia's trust is a fragile thing, and Sebastian seems intent on testing it. He has his own demons to battle, and nobody has brought them to the fore like she has.

As their relationship deepens, and Sophia begins to break down his walls, all that greets her are more questions. Why is Sebastian fighting so hard to keep her at a distance? Who is the girl on his phone? And why does the strange tattoo on his chest seem so familiar?

These puzzles plague her, but as Sebastian's mysteries begin to unravel, she must face an entirely different truth. Staying in the dark may be painful, but knowing the answers could be deadly.

Buy Lockout here:

Book 1 in the series, Locked, is available for 99 cents right now. So if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for?!? ;)

My Review

Wow! In Lockout, this series just gets better! It continues Sophia and Sebastian's story right where Locked left off. And I have to say I loved this second book even more!

In Lockout, we get a deeper look into Sebastian. And that man is deep. He's still elusive...hiding parts of himself but the things he does reveal to Sophia, well, it makes it so much easier to understand his aloofness and broodiness...and it broke my heart for him. We also get a little more back story on Sophia which helps to explain her trust issues. I continue to appreciate her intelligence and tenacity. She knows she's not privy to all the dark corners of Sebastian and she'll be the one to decide if she can live with that or not.

What I really adore about Lockout is the development of the relationship between Sophia and Sebastian. The sexual chemistry between them has always been off the charts and continues to be. But getting a front row seat as they get to really know one another witness both realize their feelings are more than casual and to watch Sebastian as his walls crumble...that is the good stuff! ;)

Lockout ends with a even more suspenseful one than Locked. Luckily, we don't have to wait too long for the conclusion to Sophia and Sebastian's story as Unlocked is due out in July!

"Even through the phone I could feel him pulling at me like gravity."  -Sophia
"The way you taste, the way you smell, the feeling of your body underneath mine; I'm not ready to give that up."         -Sebastian
"He was a puzzle, and despite my best efforts, it looked like I'd get a little more time to solve him after all."  -Sophia
"You terrify me, Sophia. I've never felt so consumed by another person before."  -Sebastian
"This is the realest thing I know, Sophia."  -Sebastian

**I received an eARC of Lockout in exchange for my honest review.

About Maya

Maya Cross is writer who enjoys making people blush. Growing up with a mother who worked in a book store, she read a lot from a very young age, and soon enough picked up a pen of her own. Her previous work spans many genres including horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and she has now started this pen name as an outlet for her spicier thoughts (they were starting to overflow). She likes her heroes strong but mysterious, her encounters sizzling, and her characters true to life.

She believes in writing familiar narratives told with a twist, so most of her stories will feel comfortable, but hopefully a little unique. Whatever genre she's writing, finding a fascinating concept is the first, and most important step.

The Alpha Group is her first foray into erotic romance, and she absolutely loved writing it.

When she's not writing, she's playing tennis, trawling her home town of Sydney for new inspiration, and drinking too much coffee.


  1. This series sounds so awesome. I really want to meet this Sebastian. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. It is sooo awesome Teresa! Yeah, I'd like to meet real life! ;) But I'll have to settle for having him for a book boyfriend. ;) Thanks!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful follow-up with the back-stories and the relationship development. Fantastic review! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. I really enjoyed getting deeper into the psyches of these characters...particularly Sebastian since he was so enigmatic in the first book. It was nice to see there was more to their relationship that sizzle, you know? I love these books! Thanks, Jaclyn!

  3. " She knows she's not privy to all the dark corners of Sebastian and she'll be the one to decide if she can live with that or not." <-- You nailed it. This is what makes Sophia a remarkable character and this series a standout.
    Great review, Brandee!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! I really do appreciate the strength and intelligence of Sophia's character. Sebastian's not so shabby either! ;)

  4. *sighs* sometimes, I wish I was able to stay away from your blog, Brandee! No, not like that! I love your blog so much, and we have such similar tastes in books it's almost scary. I mean because I can hardly ever leave here without adding at least one book to my shelf on Goodreads... That's why.

    But I know I'll keep coming back, to read your great reviews, to chat about books, and add more to my ever-growing pile of 'to read' :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, Brandee! Happy reading.

  5. I've loved seeing Sebastians's walls crumble too Brandee. I can't wait for Unlocked to see their HEA :) Great review!


Now you know what I think...what are your thoughts??