
Thursday, November 7, 2013

**Review ~ Love My Way ~ Karen Booth**

Love My Way
Love My Way by Karen Booth
Release Date: June 22, 2012
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Source: I received an ecopy of this book, from the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

After her fiancĂ© penned a “Dear Katie” letter, Kate Stillman vowed she’d never give a man more than one night. Free from emotional entanglements, she’s had some hot one-night stands, her heart has stayed off-limits and her photography career has skyrocketed. It’s the perfect plan until a Miami getaway brings her face-to-face with Peter Barrett.
Hunky rocker Peter has been pursuing Katie from afar ever since she photographed his band. In the flesh, it’s clear it was more than flirtation. Katie gives in to their sizzling chemistry, thinking Peter will appreciate her one-night rule. Instead, he balks and extends an invitation for a second night of pure abandon, an offer too tempting to refuse.

When they part, Katie realizes her rule protected her heart only too well. Time away from Peter leaves her wanting him more. Every steamy late-night phone call makes her wonder if she can love again. But when Peter returns and her trust is tested, Katie must overcome her past to learn that love her way was never the way at all.

Love My Way was the perfect quick, hot read I was hoping for. Y'all know I usually avoid novellas because they usually leave me wanting. And while I wouldn't mind getting more of Katie and Peter's story, I'm quite satisfied with what I got. :)

Katie Stillman is a young, successful, and independent woman. She was hurt badly when her fiance dumped her a week before their wedding. Katie has dealt with that pain by immersing herself in her photography career and by indulging in one-night stands. She controls her love life/emotions by adhering to a strict set of rules when it comes to men. And it's worked up until she met Peter.

Peter Barrett is the guitarist for the band, The Slumps. He met Katie when she did a photo shoot for the band. He feels it's serendipitous when they meet again in Miami. Peter sets about convincing Katie to break her rules...for him.

I really enjoyed the progression of Katie and Peter's relationship. They seemed to have a connection beyond the physical. Peter was very clever and persistent in breaking through Katie's walls. I also loved seeing Ms. Booth's passion for music and knowledge the music industry conveyed in the story. It's clear, in the details, that Ms. Booth knows and loves rock music.

Even though it was short, I was pleased with the emotional growth Katie underwent. She had to learn to let go of her baggage, and it wasn't easy to do. Peter, though, was a man on a mission. He knew what he wanted and wasn't going to let any silly rules keep him from it. I do wish we'd gotten a little more background for Peter. I felt I knew Katie more deeply and having that same knowledge of Peter would have enhanced their love story.  

Love My Way was a very satisfying read. It gave me likable characters, great music and some fabulous steamy scenes. It was exactly the escape I was looking for.


  1. When it comes to novellas, I'm also like you, Brandee. I usually don't feel completely satisfied, because if the story is good, I want more! It's great to know that you've found one where you feel like you got what you needed to truly enjoy the story, and that even a short story could satisfy you.

    I have to admit I like that it was hot as well :D Added to my TBR ;)

    Happy reading, Brandee. *hugs*

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Love My Way was just the escape I needed, Lexxie! And I will admit the heat was nice! ;)

      Thanks for stopping by. *hugs*

  2. Replies
    1. This is the perfect novella when you're in the mood for quick & hot, Brandi! ;)

  3. Something about this cover and the synopsis really seems to appeal to me. It's good to know that my instincts were on! LOL I will definitely add this to my to read list. Thanks, Brandee!

    1. Yep ~ I definitely think you'd like this one, Andrea! :)

  4. I love quick novellas that are done right and this one sounds like it is done right. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Thanks, Teresa! Like I said, I often steer clear of novellas...but this one hit the spot! ;)

  5. I love hearing about novellas that don't leave me feeling cheated, so often they just feel incomplete. Lately I've been encountering a few good ones though, glad to be able to add this to the list, because that cover... yum! Great review Brandee :-)


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