
Friday, February 13, 2015

#FitReaders ~ Week 6 Check In


The #FitReaders Challenge is hosted by Felicia the Geeky Blogger and That's What I'm Talking About. For all the details on this challenge, click on the button above.


This was a good week!!

Saturday ~ I did cardio at home - both an elliptical program and running on the treadmill. Steps: 10408 (5 miles) 1879 points

Monday ~ I tried a new class. It's called Muscle Madness but it's really an interval class and it was awesome! Then I did an hour of cardio. Of course, I was so sore I could barely move but 'no pain, no gain', right?!?   Steps: 10268 (4.5 miles) 1649 points

Tuesday ~ I went to yoga thinking to stretch out my sore muscles from the Muscle Madness class. But I had a sub and she did PiYo instead of yoga. This really worked my glutes and hamstrings... I really had trouble moving. I also got in a walk outside. Yeah, I'm a glutton. :) Steps: 6506 (2.4 miles) 717 points

Wednesday ~ I was planning on doing Muscle Madness again but decided I'd better give my muscles a break. I did a half hour of cardio at home. Steps: 3320 (1.3 miles) 408 points

Thursday ~ I did yoga. And we did lots of stretching our hips and hamstrings. I felt amazing aferwards. Then I ran 2.5 miles. Steps: 7052 (3.5 miles) 1412 points

Friday ~ I have my kids and hubs at home today - (holiday) - so I'll do my cardio here at home. 


I don't know exactly what the points mean on my Flash but they set my goal at 1000 points a day. Unfortunately, when I do an hour class of yoga, or even Zumba, it doesn't rack up that many points. I still have to get some cardio in to hit that number. (and I don't always, obviously) But I *know* that I worked out even if my points don't show it.

Also, I started keeping a food journal this week, and counting calories. I've cut back on my coffee+creamer to see if that'll help make a difference in my waistline. I really feel like a eat well. So I'll just give it time. All this exercise and not having to work this week has left me feeling great, strong, and confident though.

How'd you do this week?


  1. That is wonderful that you're feeling great, strong, and confident! Your classes sound like so much fun though I'm very uncoordinated. It's bad. I hope you have a fantastic weekend with the family!! And Happy Valentine's Day!!

  2. I put on my step counter last week (the days I remembered) and hit 10-11,000 steps... It really feels good to be active.
    Well done Brandee! You are doing a fantastic job girl! Keep it up!!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


Now you know what I think...what are your thoughts??