
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

#TravelingtoTerminus Audio Review ~ Five Weeks ~ Dannika Dark

Five Weeks (Seven, #3)
Five Weeks by Dannika Dark
Seven Series #3
Narrated by: Nicole Poole
Release Date: July 27, 2014
Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance
Source: Audible
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms

Destiny will find you.

Izzy has always loved the freedom and adventure of life on the road, but she's recently decided to settle down--as much as a rogue wolf can. When her boyfriend gets her a job working at a hot Shifter bar, she runs into the last person on earth she expected to see again. 

Jericho isn't the famous rock star he once was, though he still plays in a local band and loves to party. Beautiful women come and go, but music is his only passion--until a sassy redhead named Isabelle Monroe shows up unexpectedly.

Fate reunites two former friends living with one foot in the present and the other in the past. But will they have a future when one of them is forced to choose between life and death? Old habits die hard, and sometimes the toughest addictions to shake are the ones that control our hearts.

Oh-hoho! Jericho and Isabelle's story was fraught with danger and crackling with sexual tension. It was a thrill ride and I loved every minute of Five Weeks.

I knew there was more to Jericho than partying and girls. Getting a little glimpse of the man he was and of the man he could be was startling. Izzy is a force to be reckoned with. Of course, it would be a fiery redhead to bring Jericho to his knees. I adored the interactions between these two as they worked through their past and found their way back to one another. The added suspense and tension via Izzy's ex/current boyfriend had me biting my nails and breaking out with chill bumps with all the danger he posed to Izzy, Jericho, and his brothers.

Another thing I adore in this series is seeing the dynamics between all the Cole brothers. They may not be close in age but they're tight. They all have each others' backs even if they don't always agree with the other's decisions.

Nicole Poole continues to wow me with her narration. She somehow creates distinct voices for all the characters and manages to keep them straight. That all the characters are present in varying degrees in each book makes it that much ore satisfying to spend time in this world, because we get to know everyone a little bit more.

I loved what Jericho and Izzy brought out in the other - despite their past, they actually bring out the good in each other. And I really liked that Jericho was willing to fight to keep Izzy in his life this time around - he wasn't going to give up. That's my kind of guy!

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