Thursday, June 20, 2013

*Blog Tour & Giveaway ~ Tragic ~ J.A. Huss**

**Warning ~ Major Fangirling Ahead!**

Hey y'all. You know if I'm posting anything with J.A. Huss involved, there WILL be fangirling! :) Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Tragic, book 1 in the Rook & Ronin series. My stop includes my review, the Tragic trailer, and a fabulous giveaway! And, of course, fangirling!!


Tragic by J.A. Huss
Publication date:  May 20th 2013 
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Rook Walsh is TRAGIC

Because life so far – just sucks.  Some girls get parents.  Rook got the foster care system.  Some girls get Prince Charming.  Rook got an abusive frog.  Some girls get lucky…

Rook got a second chance.

And she took it.  Because when fate throws you a bone – you grab it with both hands and run.

Antoine Chaput knows the minute he spies Rook in his photography studio that she’s got The Look.  The dark and desperate look he must have to land the exclusive TRAGIC media contract.

Rook is paired up with top model, Ronin, and he’s everything her abusive ex-boyfriend wasn’t. Patient, gentle, happy, attentive, and sexy!  He knows exactly what to do to make Rook blush for Antoine’s portfolio.

Rook’s luck changes in an instant and suddenly she’s the darling of the modeling world.  It’s a dream job to go with a dream guy and all she has to do is look pretty and follow directions. But there’s always a price to pay – and Rook is about to get the bill.

Tragic is a new adult contemporary romance.

Tragic Trailer

My Review

First things first, this book is fan-freaking-tastic! I absolutely adore Tragic. I kinda figured I might because, hey, this is J.A. Huss and I happen to love her writing style. And although Tragic is far different than Junco, Ms. Huss has solidified her position as one of my favorite writers. Without a doubt, I know I will read and love whatever she writes. *Hey, I did warn about the fangirling! :)* Last item before I start the real review...I love the name Rook. Ms. Huss has a special affinity for birds and a Rook is a blackbird. ;)

Okay - now the review

Rook Walsh is a tragic story. Her life has sucked so far...truly. She's learned, the hard way, that no one's going to save you. If she wants to change her life, she'll have to save herself.
"I was broken, beaten, and scared of pretty much everything. And then it hit me. If I wanted to change my life then I'd have to do it myself. Because no one was coming to protect me, or save me, or heal me. There was just me."
So she does.

Her luck seems to change the day she meets Ronin, Elise and Antoine. It seems Rook has the "look" that's perfect for a photo campaign the trio is working on. But life doesn't come with an easy button. Rook will have to decide what she's willing to pay in order to attain the control over her life she's wanting.

Ronin, well let's just say I'd like to belong to Ronin. His job is essentially looking after the models and working with them on the shoots in order to achieve those perfect shots. When he first sees Rook, he sees something special. Not just how she'll look in front of the lens, but more like he sees into her soul. Ronin is HOT but he's also kind and compassionate. He sympathizes with what he believes Rook has endured. He's seen tragic in his life as well. He wants to take care of her. He wants to hide her away and keep her safe. I love him for that.

Tragic really is a tragic story. Rook has never had much choice in the direction her life took. She wants a choice, she wants some manner of control. She may not go about it in the right way but she's willing to take ownership of her mistakes because they'll be hers. Ronin, while his intentions are true, also tries to maintain control of things in his life to compensate for a time when things were beyond his control. I love the strength and tenacity of both Rook and Ronin. They've both lived through some tough shit but have come out stronger.

Tragic is written in alternating POVs between Rook and Ronin. I enjoy this format and I liked being in Ronin's head. I like the contradictions of the story - the juxtaposition of the ugliness of Rook's life with the glamour of modeling. The glamour of modeling against the ugliness behind the scenes. That Rook has come to believe that no one will save her but herself yet the kindness shown to her by Ronin and Elise (and Antoine to an extent) essentially do just that. Rook and Ronin are somewhat contradictory as well - she with nothing, he with everything, but both missing something. There is even the contrast between the neighborhood of Five Points against the city of Denver as a whole. (yes, another locale I'm extremely familiar with ;) 

Rook and Ronin's story is just beginning. I for one, am counting on much less tragic for them both moving forward. I'm in love with them and all the characters already. (okay, well maybe not Clare) I am interested to learn more about Spencer though. ;) And I'm eternally grateful I don't have to wait long since the next book in the series, Manic, releases in August!

**I did receive an ecopy of Tragic as part of the blog tour in exchange for my honest opinion, but I also purchased my own copy...because I LOVE J.A. Huss!!!

***End of Fangirling - for now ;) ***


a Rafflecopter giveaway

About J.A. Huss

J. A. Huss likes to write new adult books that make you think and keep you guessing. Her favorite genre to read is space opera, but since practically no one reads those books, she writes new adult science fiction, paranormal romance, contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and books about Junco (who refuses to be saddled with a label). 

She has an undergraduate degree in horses, (yes, really–Thank you, Colorado State University) and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology from the University of Florida. She used to have a job driving around Colorado doing pretty much nothing but shooting the breeze with farmers, but now she just writes, runs the New Adult Addiction and Clean Teen Reads Book Blogs, and runs an online science classroom for homeschoolers.