Friday, November 23, 2012

Follow Me Friday

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read.

This week's question is:

Q: What blog are you thankful for?

Do I have to pick just one?!?

I really am thankful for sooo many blogs. I love reading everyone's opinions on books I've read as well as reviews on books that I end up adding to my TBR pile. =) But if I'm having to pick just one, it's:

Fiktshun button by parajunkee

And here's why. When I began my blog this past January, fiktshun was one of the first blogs I visited. I didn't really know what I what I wanted to do other than write about what I read, so I thought it'd be smart to check out what other people were doing. I think I actually found a link to her site on Rachel Vincent's blog. Fiktshun is a BIG fan of Rachel Vincent, so I was immediately endeared. It ended up that Fiktshun and I read so many of the same books. And so I became a blog stalker. =) Fiktshun writes great reviews. She has awesome contests and cool memes. And I love her site and her blog. And well, basically I'm just a gushing fangirl. I won't ever reach the coolness level of Fiktshun, but it's something I aspire THANKS, Fiktshun!