Thursday, June 20, 2013

**Feature & Follow #23**

Welcome to the Blog Hop! 

Feature & Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by the talented ladies behind AlisonCanRead and Parajunkee's View. The intent of this blog hop is to get out there and meet other bloggers and gain new followers yourself. What sets this blog hop apart is the Feature. Each week, two blogs are featured, one at AlisonCanRead and one at Parajunkee's View. So make sure to hop over to those blogs to check out this week's Features.

This week's Features are:
Rotten Apple Reads
Tsukio Books

This week's question is: Share your favorite literary quote.

Hmm, there really are quite a few books that I could quote. But I think I will quote Jane Austen, as she's my favorite of all time. :) This is the first line from Pride & Prejudice.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

What about y'all??
