Monday, February 29, 2016

Bookish Bingo w/Chapter Break ~ February


The ladies at Chapter Break are hosting this fun feature where we get to play Book Bingo every month. For full details, click the banner above, but basically, you download a new Bingo card every month and mark off spaces as you read books with those elements. The same book can be used for multiple elements. At the end of each month, you can link a post or post a photo of your Bingo card in the comments for Chapter Break's post. 

If this sounds like fun to you, join in next month! The Bingo card for March will be available at Chapter Break on March 2.

Here's how I did this month:

Friends to Lovers - Sultry with a Twist
First Love - A Different Blue
Ghost - Riding the Storm
Nerdy/Geek - A Different Blue
Accent - A Different Blue
Dark Past - By the Rules
Set on a School Campus - Becoming Alpha
Cop/Fireman - With Ties That Bind
Artist - Confess
Tattoo/Piercing - Me Before You
Bar - Sultry with a Twist
Warrior - Never Love a Highlander
Change Jobs/Majors - By the Rules
#ShelfLove Read - Confess

With the Free Space, that 15. Not as good as last month but I'm still happy. :) And there's always next month!

Cover Reveal & Giveaway ~ Rock ~ JA Huss

I'm thrilled to share with y'all the cover for JA Huss' upcoming release, Rock. I think it's super sexy. What do y'all think?


J.A. Huss
Publication date: March 7th 2016
Genres: Rock-star Romantic Suspense

Welcome to RK’s rock star life.

I was living the dream, I was full throttle, all in, one hundred percent on top of the world. But it’s a hell of a long fall back down when you finally crash and burn.

Welcome to the delusions, the final act, the coming-to-Jesus moment when there’s nothing left to do but look yourself in the mirror and ask… How did I get like this?

I am RK’s living nightmare. I am RK’s empty soul. I am RK’s unchecked fantasy world that makes no sense to anyone.

I only have one thing left. Just one girl holding my broken pieces together.

And even she might be a lie.

Rock is a standalone rock-star romantic suspense by the New York Times bestselling master of twist, JA Huss.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Every day this week JA Huss is giving away FIVE ROCK super swag packs on her Facebook page!

Enter HERE➔

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction

If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

Hosted by:

2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge Update ~ February

BookishResolution Challenge 2016

Laura @Trips Down Imagination Road and Michelle @Because Reading are once again hosting the Bookish Resolutions Challenge in 2016. I participated in this challenge last year and it was a good way to keep me motivated in certain areas, so I decided to do it again this year.

My Goals for 2016
  • Blogging Goals
    • Keep up with commenting back weekly
    • Link up my challenge posts bi-weekly
    • Learn some HTML to change up format of posts
  • Reading Goals
    • Raise my Netgalley rating to 50%
    • Read books my kids *need* me to read
      • Alice in Wonderland
      • Death with Interruptions 
      • Everything is Illuminated
      • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
      • Listening for Luka
      • School of Good and Evil
      • The Things They Carried
      • Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
      • Wonderstruck
  • Personal Goals
    • Stick to my daily schedule

Progress made in February

Blogging Goals
  • I struggled a bit this month with keeping up with commenting back, and I'll refocus and do better in March. :)
  • I've linked my COYER and New Release challenges YAY!
  • I've learned NOTHING towards my goal but I did register with Code Academy and I'm hoping to get started this week.
Reading Goals
  • I've posted 4 reviews to Netgalley. Woohoo!
  • I didn't read any books off my Kids' Recs List in February.
Personal Goals
  • I'm still struggling to get everything done in the scheduled time slot but I'm still doing relatively well with sticking to my daily schedule. There were a few weeks in February where I didn't get my I exercise in every day and that upset me. But I'll keep striving to do better. I've *still* not spent as much time with my writing as I'd like, and this is something I have to figure out if I'm going to accomplish the goals I've set for myself where writing is concerned. So, it's *still* a work in progress but I'm taking it a day at a time. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday Post #6 ~ Where Did February Go?

Sunday Post

As y'all probably all know, the Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share my news from the week whether it be book, blog, or just life news. Since I read so many of your Sunday Posts and I wanted to add something new in 2016, I've decided to join in the fun!

Can y'all believe February is almost gone?!? This week started off with a bang ~ or about 18" of snow. ;) But as it often does in springtime in Colorado - even if it isn't officially spring yet - it got sunny, warmed up and most of that snow melted. I can even see my roof in the areas that get sun. :D 

At home, my week was a normal one - making sure my kids were fed on those days they have rehearsals after school and end up spending 14 hours at school, chores, and a few music-related school meetings.

On the blog, I've been diligently making sure I have posts scheduled in advance, reading, and trying to get caught up on comments. ;)

Reading-wise, I finished A Different Blue by Amy Harmon, which was my final Reading Assignment book for February, Sultry with a Twist by Macy Beckett, which was My TBR List read, and Dream Magic Part 1 by Michelle Mankin, which I'm beta-reading. I'm almost done listening to Revelation by Randi Cooley Wilson (for review), and I'm reading With Ties That Bind by Trisha Wolfe.

Have a fantastic upcoming week - welcoming a new month! Happy reading! :D


COYERBTBsignupBookworm BrandeeBlogger ShameNew Release Challenge 2016 - (un)Conventional BookviewsTake Control of Your TBR Pile

Challenge Updates
So far, I've read 18 books out of 40 for COYER B2B (I hope to hit at least 20 by next weekend when COYER ends!), 17 books for #ShelfLove, 4 books for Blogger Shame (I had to adjust my number because I went back and read the rules, and I hadn't had a few of those ARCs long enough, and 6 books for my New Release challenges. Some of these overlap - I've read 31 books so far this year.

I'm going to be participating in the Take Control of Your TBR Challenge for the month of March. It's hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer. I decided to participate because 1) my tbr is out of control and a month dedicated to reading those books will be an immense help!, 2) the challenge fits with my goals set with #BloggerShame, #COYERB2B, and #ShelfLove. If y'all want to join, click on the button above to check out the details.

How are y'all doing with your challenges?

Saturday, February 27, 2016

My TBR List Review ~ Sultry with a Twist ~ Macy Beckett


My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Michelle @Because Reading. I think it's a fabulous idea because it gets y'all in the game and it helps me knock off some of the many, many books on my TBR list. You're more than welcome to join in the fun! I've included the basic rules below but you can click on the graphic above to hop over to Michelle's site where you can find all the details. 

Here's how it works:
On the first Saturday of each month, I will make a post with three books from my TBR List (these books can be already on your ereader or bookshelf OR books you might want to purchase) and add your link on the linky that will be provided on Michelle's post. Y'ALL will help me choose which book I will read next. The following Saturday, I will announce which book won. Then the last Saturday of the month, I'll post my review.

Fun, right?!?


Sultry with a Twist (Sultry Springs, #1)Sultry with a Twist by Macy Beckett
Sultry Springs #1
Release Date: October 1, 2012
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Source: Sourcebooks Casablanca via Netgalley
Rating: 4 Bookworms
Challenges: Blogger Shame, #COYER B2B, #ShelfLove


Welcome to Sultry Springs, Texas: where first loves find second chances...

Nine years after June Augustine hightailed it out of Sultry Springs with her heart in pieces, one thing stands between her and her dream of opening an upscale martini bar: a bogus warrant from her tiny Texas hometown. Now she's stuck in the sticks for a month of community service under the supervision of the devilishly sexy Luke Gallagher, her first love and ex-best friend.

If Texas wasn't already hot enough, working side-by-side with June would make any man melt. Luke wants nothing more than to strip her down and throw her in the lake-the same lake where they were found buck naked and guilty as sin all those years ago. In their heads, they're older and wise. But their hearts tell a different story...

With phrases like "Holy Sugar", "Mother of Stevie Ray Vaughan", and "Son of a biscuit-eater", I knew I was in for a fun ride. But Sultry with a Twist was a deeper read as well with lessons in forgiveness, family, love, and loyalty.

June and Luke were raised together - first by virtue of living on adjacent farms, and later by virtue of June's Grammy Pru taking in both June and Luke when they both lost their parents. Nine years ago they had a falling out - all of them. June left for college, Luke for the army, and things became even more strained. These three are stubborn as the day is long. But June is back in Sultry Springs to work off a warrant and she, Luke, and Grammy Pru each realize how important they are to each other.

I really liked June, Luke, and Grammy Pru. I think pride kept them from mending fences sooner. It thrilled me that June and Grammy repaired their relationship. They each are the only family they have left and it was sad they'd spent so much time estranged. I'm a sucker for a strong, meddling grandma and Grammy Pru did some manipulating of things in order to repair things between June and Luke.

Getting a front row seat to watch June and Luke as they work through their issues was a pleasure and a frustration. Luke had a hard time accepting June's forgiveness and that her feelings were true. But June, being stubborn, didn't give up on him.

Sultry Springs' residents also were fun getting to know. From Judge Bea to Pastor McMahon - these God-fearing, well-meaning Texans were a joy. And I look forward to visiting Sultry Springs again.

 *Note to Marilyn - the answer to your question is...hmm, maybe I should let you read it to find out. ;)

Friday, February 26, 2016

Blogger Chick Chat w/Lexxie @ unConventional Bookviews ~ Me Before You ~ Jojo Moyes

Me Before You (Me Before You, #1)Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Me Before You #1
Release Date: December 31, 2012
Genre: Fiction
Source: Paperback ~ B-day gift from Hubs
Rating: 5 Bookworms
Challenges: #HW2016, #ShelfLove

Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.

What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.

Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.

What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time.

***Our Chat***
Spoiler Alert - it is very hard to have a chat about a book and not reveal things. I think we did our best, but if you haven't yet read Me Before You, be forewarned. :D

Lexxie: So, what did you think of Lou and Will? and the whole assisted suicide thing?

Brandee: I adored Lou and Will. They broke my heart, both of them. And it was very interesting to read a book on assisted suicide since Sky did a debate earlier this year (school year) on 'right to die'. I am a proponent of assisted suicide. However, as a parent, my heart went out to Will's parents.
What about you?

They didn't completely break my heart, but I did cry in the very end, when Lou ended up going to Switzerland to show him her support anyway.

And I'm like you, I'm all for it, but it would definitely be difficult to help a child (even an adult one) go through with it. We wouldn't really have to travel, though, it could be done at home.

And I thought the whole 'why aren't I enough' part from Lou was more than a little selfish! She knew Will for six months, and while I do believe they both had very strong feelings for each other, I was a bit mad at her when she didn't even want to speak to him after he told her that he was still going through with it. It truly must be awful to depend on people for every little thing, plus Will was in pain as well.

So did you like Will and Lou? As I was sitting here thinking of that question, I was thinking that I could see where Lou would irritate you. wink emoticonBut I cried so often while reading their story. As you know though, I'm hyper-emotional right now.

Assisted suicide is being debated in Colorado right now. It passed our Senate but hasn't passed completely yet. But yet it'd be very hard to help a child go through with it.

I loved both Lou and Will, and I thought that Lou really grew a lot thanks to working with Will, and asking herself some real questions about her life and what she wanted to do with it. Plus, I think it really helped both her and Will when she told him about what had happened in the maze.

I was happy that Lou went to Switzerland in the end. I did think she was selfish in her reaction, but I also felt her reaction was understandable to a certain extent - realistic, even. I hated that it hurt Will though.

In a way, her reaction was understandable, however, she only did see things from her own perspective, not Will's. And I was so glad when he told her that the last six months - those with her - were the best he had after his accident.

I liked watching Lou blossom. And I was so happy she shared what happened to her with Will. He was able to pull her out of that shell she'd put herself into. It was beautiful to see them both pull each other out. And it was interesting that they were both trying to convince the other to live.

I liked that Will told Lou that as well.

Yeah, because Lou had effectively been not living for longer than Will, she had just been existing.

Do you think Lou telling Will about the maze helped him by letting him see why she was living the was she was?

Yes, because that was a way for her to protect herself - she was with running-man because she didn't really love him, but it was expected of her to be with someone at her age; she had worked at the café because it was safe, and she never wanted to leave the little village because it was safe for her there, with mostly people she already knew and tourists she could steer clear of.

Oh, it absolutely was her way of protecting herself. Ugh! Running man...I hated that he got to the be the one to end things because really, Lou should have dumped him. But I understood.

What did you think of Lou's relationship with her sister?

And how did you feel about her mother's reaction to Lou at the end?

I think she was just so comfortable with that relationship she didn't really care. And I didn't even really mind that he was the one to end it - it was really over in her heart long before that.

That's true. And I'm happy things ended before she was married and 'stuck' there.

The sister was smart in many ways, but she was definitely taking advantage of the situation whenever she could.

It bothered me that Lou's parents were always telling her that Treena was the smart one.

And Lou's mother gasp emoticon- I was not at all understanding where she came from!! What's the biggest sin? 'Making' someone stay alive with medicine, or help them die, or even just let them die so they can be in peace?

Yeah, that's not nice at all, and it was like they didn't even try to understand her, but they were happy to take her money, of course.


And so was Treena, but I guess that's how it works in some families, where every person puts themselves first.

Yes, well the religious side is the reason there's even a debate over assisted suicide. I don't understand it myself. I've said for many, many years that here in the US we treat our pets more humanely than our family.

But Lou's mom...that made me so mad!

True! And if they want it to be the way it was before, Will would have probably died when he had his accident, or the very first time he got pneumonia.

Yeah, Lou's mom was really over the top! I wanted to smack her! Heap some more grief on your daughter, won't you?

I thought Treena was taking advantage. It bothered me, honestly.

Oh, and Will's mom... what did you think of her?

I'm the smartest, and I have a child... you have to work, Lou, so I can follow my dream, my brain is going to waste *rolls eyes*

*ha* Reading your last comment about Lou's mom made me realize her whole family was a bit selfish.

Her dad was the most supportive - and he really supported everybody! Working long hours, and not being too proud to take the job at the castle after he lost his job at the factory.

I like Will's mom...what we got to know of her. She made some comment about how her relationship with Will had always been difficult and I wondered why. I guess it was just Will's personality. We did have that explained a bit near the he'd been as a child. I didn't understand her relationship with his dad...why all that had happened and why she was dealing with it the way she was. But then, I guess that's a whole other story.

Yes, I did like Lou's dad even if he talked down to her. He was supportive and he still stood by Lou in the end.

I think some children kind of just don't get along with their parents, Will seemed to be one who enjoyed doing the opposite of what was expected of him in some situations. And if he didn't really get along with his mom, it must have been even harder to have to live at home again and depend on his parents after his accident!!

It seemed to me that Will's mom and dad had possibly wanted to divorce before Will's accident, but then, they stayed together afterwards to kind of care for him together? Not sure... That relationship sounded like a very clichéd upper class marriage to me.

*sigh* Will really did break my heart. To have to live like he was - and it not even have been caused by something he did. You know? He was hurt while jumping off a cliff...and I couldn't imagine living life so fully, as he did, and then to end up living a life he hated.

Yes, I did feel their marriage was cliched.

And I felt like Will's dad wasn't as committed to his wife's cause with Will either.
And I think that is a way that this book is very important! To show how difficult it is for someone who leads an active life, at the very beginning, he didn't even want a vacation where he could relax, he wanted to jump from a parachute or something
Then, nothing he could do on his own anymore. That was definitely tough to read about, but it didn't completely gut me.

I agree. It was important to show how unhappy Will's circumstances would make him since there was nothing of his old life he could still enjoy. And he was certainly a thrill seeker.
Yeah, and while he seemed to be excited about the trip to the US, where he could have done some of the things he had done in the past, it wouldn't have been the same. And it was definitely very realistic that he got sick and couldn't go.
Okay, okay - so I'm just a sap. Is that what you're telling me?!? ;P

My final thoughts:
Me Before You is a poignant story in which Lou and Will show each other, teach each other, about living life...convince each other that living is worthwhile but also recognizing that ultimately the choice is, and should be, yours.
I cried over so many things in Lou and Will's stories - the reality that sometimes life is brutally unfair. I could see this story from so many angles - as a mom, as a sister, as a daughter, as a wife. Lou and Will's story ended as I felt it should and yet I'm still thinking, feeling - in profound ways. It certainly left its mark.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

That's What HE Said #53 ~ Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #34

That's What He Said is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies @Chapter Break. Here's the deal: every Thursday, post a line from your book boyfriend to his heroine. Keep in mind, these are direct quotes from dialog in the books. The quote doesn't have to be romantic - just something our hunky hero said to his lucky lady. Be sure to link up over at Chapter Break as well.

My pick this week for That's What He Said is from:

A Different Blue by Amy Harmon


"Blue. If this was simply about attraction, you and I would hever have left Reno. We would still be in the crappy hotel room, starkers, ordering room service...or, more likely, pizza from dowh the road. But for me, with you, sex is not the goal. Do you understand that?"


"Someday...hopefully bloody soon - because I will combust if I ever have to spend a night like that again - you will want me because you love me, not because you're lost, not because you're desperate, not because you're afraid. And that's the goal."


This scene is between Blue, Wilson, and Bev and is from Amy Harmon's A Different Blue

My shift usually ended at seven, and Wilson walked in that Monday at sever on the dot. He still wore slacks and a light blue dress shirt, rolled at the elbows. It was his standard school attire. Bev winked at him and gave me the go ahead to clock out. I joined him for a sandwich and a glass of lemonade, sighing as I wiggled my toes and rolled my stiff shoulders.
Bev made sure she served Wilson his standard tomato-and-grilled-cheese-with-french-fries personally, though Bev always called them chips, as if to make Wilson feel right at home. He thanked her and said everything looked absolutely "scrummy."

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Beyond the Books ~ Me & My Pal, Fitbit

Welcome to Beyond the Books. This post was inspired by Lexxie @Unconventional BookviewsUp Close and (Un)conventional, who was inspired by Cuddlebuggery. It's meant to be a way for y'all to get to know me better on a personal level ~ Beyond the Books. ;)

Y'all. I'm such a dork. I'm completely gaga over my new friend, Fitbit! My hubs got it for me for Christmas and I had no idea it'd be such motivator for me.

I really work at getting in my 10000 steps daily because I don't want to let Fitbit down. Plus, I really enjoy the fireworks when I reach my daily goal! ;) I also adore getting my Overachiever notices when I go above and beyond. I even earned my March of the Penguins badge in January, meaning I'd walked over 75000 steps! It made me exorbitantly happy. 

I keep wondering if Fitbit will zap me when I'm being particularly lazy - like last week when I didn't have/make time to get my daily exercise in. I fully expected Fitbit to send me a message saying something along the lines of "You did so well last week...what happened to make you a lazy ass?!?" 

I like it when I can Fitbit 'smile' at me - like when I've gotten in all my water for the day or I've had enough sleep (that one rarely happens). And it's so neat that Fitbit knows if I ran or was on the elliptical for my exercise. (It's just too bad reading doesn't burn many calories!)

I never thought I'd be so into or motivated by something I wear on my wrist. But I love it. LOVE. IT.

Do y'all have a friend named Fitbit? Or do you use something else? What motivates you to get up and move??

Monday, February 22, 2016

Review ~ Hunting Ground ~ Patricia Briggs

Hunting Ground (Alpha & Omega, #2)Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs
Alpha & Omega #2
Release Date: August 25, 2009
Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Source: Purchased ebook on nook
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms
Challenges: Traveling to the Terminus 2015


Anna Latham didn't know how complicated life could be until she became a werewolf. And until she was mated to Charles Cornick, the son - and enforcer - of Bran, the leader of the North American werewolved, she didn't know how dangerous it could be either.

Anna and Charles have just been enlisted to attend a summit to present Bran's controversial proposition: that the wolves should finally reveal themselves to humans. But the most feared Alpha in Europe is dead set against the plan - and it seems like someone else might be too. When Anna is attacked by vampires using pack magic, the kind of power only werewolves should be able to draw on, Charles and Anna must combine their talents to hunt down whoever is behind it all - or risk losing everything...

Hunting Ground is an outstanding follow-up to Cry Wolf. There is so much to love. I enjoyed the interactions between Charles and Anna as they each learn about their bond and an Omega's role. I delighted in delving deeper into the wolf psyche and pack dynamics. And getting more familiar with all the creatures of this world - the vampires, the fae, and the witches, was fascinating. I think the only drawback was the lack of Bran. *winks*

Hunting Ground is mostly set in Seattle, as that's where the summit is being held, and it's a setting I adore. Knowing the places talked about captivated me all the more. This summit is being held so Charles and listen to any issues the European packs may have with Bran taking werewolves public. Meeting some of these alphas made my skin crawl. They're prime examples of why humans would fear werewolves. And all these dominant wolves together in one room? Exciting to say the least. Especially with Anna's presence and her effect on them.

There is some trouble stirred up, on top of the outing issues, that Charles and Anna must try to resolve - especially once Anna is targeted. I enjoyed how Briggs wove in myth, magic, legend, and history into all the action. She didn't shy away from grit or violence which served the story well. In the end, Anna might have figured things out a little too easily but I don't want to take anything away from her intuition and skill. I am captivated watching her come into her own, stretch her mental and physical prowess, and gain confidence. And I adore that Charles is man/wolf enough to stand back as she does and validate her for it. 

Again, I feel like I'm being disloyal to Mercy and Adam but Charles and Anna have a special something that appeals to me. A lot. I'm looking forward to continuing this journey of discovery with them.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday Post #5 ~ What a Few Weeks!

Sunday Post

As y'all probably all know, the Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share my news from the week whether it be book, blog, or just life news. Since I read so many of your Sunday Posts and I wanted to add something new in 2016, I've decided to join in the fun!

These past few weeks - phew! My head's whirling just thinking of them. Not only did we have band/orchestra concerts (week before last) which took up 3 nights, but we also had an important decision to be made in our household. Where my older daughter was going to college. SHE WAS ACCEPTED TO HER #1 CHOICE and received a nice scholarship. But then she had to decide...go to #1 or #2?  Now, I know what you're thinking because I was thinking the same got into #1. What's to think about? But I think she had convinced herself she wouldn't get in and was set to go to #2 - so she had to change her mindset. After much deliberation and many, many tears, she made her decision. She's going to Reed College in Portland, OR.

On top of all this, competition season has begun for Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion - my girls do Winter Guard, and my son is in iPerc. This means lots of rehearsals and weekends spent going in different directions as my girls compete in one location and my son in another. *sigh* They're also participating in the Pit Orchestra for the school's musical - this means the next 2 weeks they have rehearsals every day and since I'm the Pit Orch mom, I have to feed them (ALL). *ha*

Reading-wise, I finished Never Love a Highlander by Maya Banks, Confess by Colleen Hoover (a read-along hosted by Chapter Break), Riding the Storm by Sydney Croft, and Facade by Nyrae Dawn. I also finished Rock Chick Redemption (a re-read), and Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, which was a Reading Assignment Challenge book which I buddy read with Lexxie (unConventional Bookviews). Now I'm listening to Revelation by Randi Cooley Wilson (for review), beta-reading Dream Magic by Michelle Mankin, and A Different Blue by Amy Harmon.

It's been really busy and I'm sorry I haven't been around to visit like I normally do. Hopefully I'll get around to everyone this week. I hope y'all had a fantastic week, even if it was busy! ;) And I hope the upcoming one is wonderful. Happy reading! :D


COYERBTBsignupBookworm BrandeeBlogger ShameNew Release Challenge 2016 - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Challenge Updates
So far, I've read 16 books out of 40 for COYER B2B, 15 books for #ShelfLove, 7 books for Blogger Shame, and 6 books for my New Release challenges. Some of these overlap - I've read 29 books so far this year.

How are y'all doing with your challenges?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bought, Borrowed, & Bagged #82

Bought, Borrowed, & Bagged is a weekly meme, hosted by TalkSupe, where I share with you the books I have bought, borrowed, or bagged (gifted or won) plus a recap of the previous week's reviews, upcoming reviews, and any other bookishness I want to share. :)

Hmm, I was relatively good over the past 2 weeks...kept my itchy one-click finger under control for the most part. But y'all know me and I just couldn't resist these: 

Dearborn (Woodland Creek)Under the Influence (Chosen Paths)Hello?With a Twist (Bad Habits, #1) 
Kimberley's (@Caffeinated Book Reviewer) review AND Lorna's (@Rabid Reads) review of Dearborn pulled a double-whammy on my one-click finger...I *had* to do it! ;) Under the Influence is all on me - I've read and adored LB Simmons' work before and I couldn't pass up a 99 cent deal. Grace @Rebel Mommy Book Blog raved about Hello? and let me know about a 99 cent sale. :D And Michelle @Because Reading is a big Staci Hart fan, which led me to reading and enjoying her, and she let me in on a 99 cent deal that, you know, my one-click finger took advantage of! Now With a Twist is in my library. ;) 

Last Two Weeks' Reviews
Upcoming Reviews
Becoming Alpha by Aileen Erin
Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Riding the Storm by Sydney Croft
The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt

Friday, February 19, 2016

#ShelfLove ~ February Discussion ~ My Book Boyfriend(s)

Bookworm Brandee

As part of the #ShelfLove Challenge, we have monthly discussion topics. February's topic is book boyfriends, girlfriends, or just friends. I'm, of course, going with boyfriends. Y'all know this is a difficult topic of discussion for me...because I have to choose. Well, I didn't choose just one because...IMPOSSIBLE. But I *did* manage to create a shortlist. Here goes!

Image result for mr darcy

Mr. Darcy, from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, was my very first book boyfriend ever. I met him when I was in 7th grade and he's been the standard by which I measure all my book boyfriends since.

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Seth Mortensen, from Richelle Mead's Georgina Kincaid series, was my first 'adult' book boyfriend following Twilight. He's smart, witty, a little socially awkward, and writes amazing books.

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Will Cooper, from Colleen Hoover's Slammed, also made the cut. He's charming, funny, compassionate, and makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich. AND he writes poetry!!

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Logan 'High' Judd, from Kristen Ashley's Walk Through Fire, also made my list. He didn't win my heart immediately but he managed to worm his way in. Especially when he says things like:

"I love you," he declared. "Loved you then. Love you now. Never quit lovin' you in a way I know I never will. You were it for me, the only one, the only woman I ever loved, and you never quit bein' it."

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Honorable mentions go to Daemon Black, from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux series, Dimitri Belikov, from Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series, and Gideon Cross, from Sylvia Day's Crossfire series.

So, who do y'all love?!?