Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Top Commenters Raffle #1 Winner

Hi y'all! I'm sorry I didn't get this posted last week. It's still a bit crazy around Casa de Bookworm Brandee. ;) Sky and I leave this Friday heading to Portland and I'll be back late next week. Bear with me as I finish out this month - leaving one at college and having the other two start back to school - I'm rather an emotional wreck. 

Now on to what y'all really want to know! So I (actually Sky did the honors for me) tallied  the commenters I had throughout June and July. There were 47! THANKS SO MUCH! I took those that had commented 4 or more times and entered those 18 into the raffle.

  1. northernplunder
  2. Lorna
  3. Melanie
  4. Braine
  5. Lover of Romance
  6. Tanya Atkinson
  7. Kristen Burns
  8. Lexxie
  9. Leona Woolfolk
  10. Christy LoveofBooks
  11. Lola
  12. TeresaMaryRose
  13. Naomi Hop
  14. Felicia the Geeky Blogger
  15. Fantasy is More Fun
  16. Anna @ Herding Cats and Burning Soup
  17. Trish Hannon
  18. Kimbacaffeinate

And the winner is....
Melanie!!! If you'll email or PM me either on Facebook or Twitter with your mailing address, I'll get your mystery box of books and bookmarks sent out to you!

Thanks so much to you ALL for continuing to support me over this summer. I appreciate it so very much! And keep dropping by as I'm doing another raffle at the end of August!