Colorado Mountain Series #5
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Source: Purchased in Paperback
Rating: 5 Bookworms
Challenges: #ShelfLove
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An old flame rekindled...
Zara Cinders always knew Ham Reece was the one, but he wasn't interested in settling down. When she found someone who was, Ham walked out of her life. Three years later, Zara's lost her business, her marriage, and she's barely getting by in a tiny apartment on the wrong side of the tracks. As soon as Ham hears Zara's plight, he's on her doorstep offering her a lifeline. Now, it will take every ounce of will power she possesses to resist all that he offers.
Ham was always a traveling man, never one to settle down in one town, with one woman, for more time that absolutely necessary. But Ham's faced his own demons, and he's learned a lot. About himself, and about the life he knows he's meant to live. So when he hears that Zara's having a rough time, he wants to be the one to help. In fact, he wants to do more than that for Zara. A lot more. But first, he must prove to Zara that he's a changed man.
Kristen Ashley never disappoints and even though Jagged was slightly different from its predecessors in the series - the suspense element was muted - it was every bit the fantastic read I expected.
Graham "Ham" Reece was introduced in For You, the first book in KA's The 'Burg series. After what he experiences in that book, he takes a long, hard look at this life and realizes he made a mistake. He let his one get away. And knowing what he knows about Zara, he sets about getting her back into his life.
Zara hasn't had the easiest life but she's definitely made lemonade out of the lemons. Having Ham in her life was always the sweet - until she had to let him go. When her life has once again gone off path, she's surprised to find him back in town - to say. But for how long?
These two - oh my goodness! They're something. They're both stubborn and hard-headed. And they know when to fight for something. Luckily, they determined they needed to fight for one another. Being witness to all the layers peeling back, vulnerabilities exposed, pasts laid bare - it was a wonder these two were as well-adjusted as they were. It also made the dance between them all the more special.
I've mentioned before (just a time or two! ;) that one of the things that makes KA so amazing is her cast of characters. This series revolves around three little mountain towns and the people that inhabit them. It's always a treat to spend time with them, see what they're up to...they my people.
One final thing - I adore that KA used jagged to describe Ham's voice. It'd never used the word in this context but it was perfect. As was Ham and Zara's story. Now always pretty but perfect...for them.
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