Sunday, January 20, 2013

WOW ~ Blog Awards

I had something very nice happen to me this week. Actually 2 somethings nice! I was nominated for 2 different blog awards. How cool is that?!? I've never received a blog award before so I am quite honored *blushes* and grateful. I'm going to combine both in this post in the interest of saving time (gotta get back to my book! :) Also in the interest of saving time (since it has been a week and I'm just now getting to this) I'm only nominating 5 per award. I know I'm bending the rules a bit but it was actually quite difficult to find the 10 I did find who qualified and hadn't already received the award...and I stalk A LOT of blogs! :)

I was nominated by Megan over at MegzMaddReadz for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thanks Megan!! It was very sweet of you to think of me. :)

Here are the rules for this award:

  • Include the blog award logo in your post
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 15 5 other bloggers and let them know about it
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself
(And bloggers, if you don't wish to participate, that's totally kopesthetic. Just know I think your blog is fab! :)

Seven Random Facts about me:

  • I have 2 adorable cats - Skitter & Skat
  • I choose vacations spots from favorite books
  • I've lived in 8 different towns/cities
  • I don't watch t.v. or listen to the radio
  • I've recently begun drinking coffee and I'm totally addicted
  • I have degrees in English and Economics
  • I can look out any window in my house and see pine trees

The second award for which I was nominated is the Liebster Blog Award. Jessica at ThatGirlReads honored me with this one...thanks, Jessica! The Liebster Blog Award is given to up & coming bloggers that have less than 200 followers. The purpose behind the award is to get to know these bloggers. Liebster, in German, means favorite.

There are some rules to follow in order to accept and participate:

  • Tell 11 things about yourself
  • Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Post 11 questions for those you are nominating
  • Nominate 11 5 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Inform those bloggers you've nominated about the award

I'm nominating the following bloggers:

Here again bloggers, if you don't want to participate, that's cool. Just know I love following your blog! 

The following are the questions Jessica asked me:

1)  Do you read in the quiet or with music, tv noise, or screaming kids in the background?

All of the above...well, my kids are older now so I usually don't have the screaming but if they're home, I've got background noise. If not, total quiet...nice!
2)  What first prompted you to start reading?

I've always been a reader so I have no idea why I originally started - maybe just because I could. Now I read because I love getting lost in someone else's life. :)
3)  If you could swap lives with a fictional character, who would it be and why?

Wow - there are so many to choose from. I'm gonna go with Elizabeth Bennett simply because I've often told my hubby that I'd have loved to have lived in Regency England and he always says "sure, as long as you were at least middle class." So I'd like to be Elizabeth...and get Mr. Darcy! :)
4)  How do you organize your books? In alphabetical order by title, alphabetical order by author, color coordinated or some other way?

I organize my books alphabetically by genre. What?!? I work in a bookstore! :)
5)  If you could spend a day with an author who would it be?

Again, so many to choose from...Jane Austen, of course. Colleen Hoover? I think she'd make me laugh!
6)  Where is your favorite place to shop for books?

Independent bookstores
7)  What book would you like to see turned into a tv show or movie?

Since I don't watch t.v. and don't see many movies, I have no idea...maybe Kim Harrison's The Hollows series...
8)  Are you the only reader in your family?

No, thank goodness!
9)  What book to movie / tv show do you wish they would have just left the hell alone? Why ruin a good thing with the wrong characters?

I think that of most books. T.V. and movies can never do a book justice!
10)  What book could you just read over and over and over again?

Pride & Prejudice...and Bared to You! *grin* 
11)  What book do you wish you'd never laid eyes on?

Villages by John Updike

My 11 questions for those I've nominated are:

  • What prompted you to start blogging?
  • What do you enjoy most about blogging?
  • What is your favorite genre?
  • Who is your favorite character?
  • Do you read books or ebooks or both?
  • How do you pick your next book to read?
  • Where is your favorite place to read?
  • Have you ever danced in the rain?
  • Where is the farthest from home you've traveled?
  • If you have to give up a sense to lose, which would you choose?
  • What else, besides reading, do you do for fun?
Keep reading & keep blogging! :)