Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Brandee's Bookish Babble #19 ~ Books & Best Friends Part 3

Welcome to Brandee's Bookish Babble. There are many, many similar posts to this one - but basically I wanted a place to discuss bookish and/or blogging stuff and I needed a title. :) I hope you enjoy!


I know as readers and book bloggers we love sharing our passion about books. And I'm sure we all enjoy making new friends through that shared love of books and reading. Some of my closest friends were made via that shared love. And I thought it'd be fun to share the story of how these friendships came about. This will be a 4-part series, if you will, as I talk about these 4 friends.

Yet another one of my best friends I met via blogging and, of course, books. When I first started blogging seriously, I was uncomfortable leaving comments on her blog. I was a newb and kept wondering if she'd even care about my thoughts. But the more I visited her blog, the more I realized we shared similar tastes and opinions on books - so I got brave and started leaving comments. We then began communicating via comments and the more we chatted, the more and more we realized we had in common. I'm talking about Lexxie @(un)Conventional Bookviews, of course. We've now been friends for about 3 years. We chat often - about books and just life in general. AND we got to meet IRL a year ago at RT in Dallas! That was an experience! Getting to meet in person cemented our friendship as we saw that chatting in person was just as much fun as online. It feels as though Lexxie and I have been friends forever. And it was so exciting getting to see her again this year, at BEA. We got to talk books, I took her to her first baseball game (she reads sports romances involving baseball and yet had never seen the game played!), fangirled over some favorite authors, and just generally had a great time! I'm hoping to make it over to her side of the pond in the next year. I can't wait!