Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #66 ~ Fire Inside ~ Kristen Ashley

This scene is from Fire Inside, which I re-read for #COYER over the summer. There are lots of food quotes from this book because Lanie is a heck of a Southern cook. (so you'll probably see more) But this scene was Hop taking care of his lady and it struck me in the heart just like it did her. 


"Pastrami," he muttered. "Provolone. Had them grill it and hold the mustard. Nothin' should mar that blouse, lady." He dipped his head to my blouse, his lips curved up in appreciation. "There's packets in the bag if you wanna go wild."
I reached for the bag thinking, yes, he was getting to me.
I mean, everyone knew you had mustard on pastrami but very few would think to hold it in case you were willing to make the sacrifice because you were wearing a nice blouse.

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