Monday, October 30, 2017

#OctobeRecFest Wrap Up ~ #TravelingtotheTerminus ~ Challenges Updates ~ Other Various Updates

My 4th Annual OctobeRecFest has come to an end. I didn't get quite as many books read as I'd have liked BUT I did read FOUR from the list I'd created and that also means I moved a little further into those series. :) I also read 3 not from the list for a total of 7...7 series I moved forward in. I may or may not get one last review posted tomorrow. It depends on how much reading I get done today and chances aren't looking good since it's our State Marching Band finals so I'll be away from home today, helping move pit equipment for the band.

Anyway, here are the books I managed to read this month:

The Angel (The Original Sinners, #2)Impulse (Mageri, #3)Edge of Oblivion (Night Prowler, #2)Breakable (Contours of the Heart, #2)Taken (Undone, #4)Ricochet (Addicted, #1.5)Knight (Unfinished Hero, #1)

Y'all know this year I've made it a goal to catch up in series. The last few years, I've dedicated November and December to #TravelingtotheTerminus. Once again, I'm going to tweak how I usually do things. This year, I'm focusing on series that I'm only behind by 1 or 2 books. There are ~45 series that fall into this category for me. There is no way I can read that many books, but at least I'll be able to cross a few series off my list. *grins* 

2017 Challenges

#2017 Bookish Resolutions
Y'all can click here for a list of my resolutions for this year but I just wanted to give a quick general update...and that is, I'm accomplishing some and failing at others. Luckily, I look at these resolutions as goals which means I'm not really failing. I simply need to refocus and get back to work at them. *grins*

#2017HW Report Card for Quarter One
My goal is 1 book a month. I read 3 books in the first and second quarters of 2017 so that means I got A's!!! However, I received an
F in the third quarter because I didn't get a single book from my list read. And my fourth quarter didn't start off well...nothing for October. But I still have November and December so we'll see. :D

#2017NewRelease - 34 books
#Audiobook Challenge - 21 listens
#authorluv - none yet
#BloggerShame - 10 books
Read All the Books - 11 books
#ShelfLove - 73 books

General Updates

As y'all probably know, I was MIA for quite a few months. I really appreciate all of y'all continuing to visit and/or comment on my posts while I was away. I know I owe y'all some raffle boxes and I have SIX already packed up. So look for those drawings over the next two months.

As for why I was MIA...if y'all follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you might have seen photos. At any rate, I did quite a LOT of traveling, following my oldest and youngest children while they toured for drum corps, took my middle on college visits, AND TO SEE HAMILTON!! I also traveled to be present for the wedding of one of my best friends. In all, I was in 17 STATES in 5 months. I like to travel y'all, but even though I had a blast, it was a bit too much for me. :D

Two last things... 1) I had a little accident with my laptop in August. I was opening it and it somehow jumped from the bar and ended up on the tile floor - on its lid - which did not do good things for my screen. So I'm having to share a laptop with James and since it's his, I get it when he doesn't need it. Therefore, my time online is somewhat limited. Santa is bringing me a new one just a little longer. 2) I'm traveling again *sigh* this week. I'm headed to Texas to visit/check in on my grandma. I'll be online as much as I can.

I know this was A LOT. Thanks for reading!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

My TBR List Review ~ October ~ Lover Revealed ~ J.R. Ward #MyTBRList #TravelingtotheTerminus


My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Michelle @Because Reading

Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4)Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward
Black Dagger Brotherhood #4
Release Date: March 6, 2007
Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance
Source: Library
Rating: 4 Bookworms
Challenges: #TravelingtotheTerminus

Butch O'Neal is a fighter by nature. A hard-living ex-homicide cop, he's the only human ever to be allowed in the inner circle of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And he wants to go even deeper into the vampire world-to engage in the turf war with the lessers. He's got nothing to lose. His heart belongs to a female vampire, an aristocratic beauty who's way out of his league. If he can't have Marissa, then at least he can fight side by side with the Brothers...

Fate curses him with the very thing he wants. When Butch sacrifices himself to save a civilian vampire from the slayers, he falls prey to the darkest force in the war. Left for dead, he's found by a miracle, and the Brotherhood calls on Marissa to bring him back. But even her love may not be enough to save him...

Confession: I started the Black Dagger Brotherhood series before I began blogging. Waaaay before. I couldn't remember where I'd stopped in this series but when I was reading through the synopses of the books, this one didn't sound familiar. After getting about a third of the way in, I realized that yeah, I'd read this one before. BUT it was about ten years ago so even though I remembered some things, there was more that I didn't. So this served as a nice reintroduction to the series.


  • Plot
    Of course I remembered the basics - the Brotherhood, the Princeps Council, the lessers. But I enjoyed how the plot progression in this installment refreshed my memory. What Ward did with Butch and the prophecy was rather genius. It enabled Butch's role to make more sense or rather feel more realistic as well as rounding out his character.
  • Characters
    Getting to spend time with Brothers I'd met previously (and remembered *wink*) and their mates was also memory refreshing. Butch, the hero of Lover Revealed, I'd always liked as well. He's a hard guy with a squishy center. Marissa was a female vampire I liked but felt she was a little weak. Seeing her find her backbone and her purpose after being made to feel "less than" her whole existence was inspiring and made me like her much more. I'm very curious about what's to come for Vishous and John though.
  • Politics/Culture
    The politics among the vampires, the culture of the vampire aristocracy, and the politics among the lessers was interesting to watch in action. Particularly in regards to how the vampires treat women (in the aristocracy) and those they consider inferior among their own race.
So yeah, despite having read this previously, Lover Revealed reignited my enthusiasm for the series and I'm eager to continue.

Friday, October 27, 2017

#OctobeRecFest Review #8 ~ Breakable ~ Tammara Webber #ShelfLove #TravelingtotheTerminus

Breakable (Contours of the Heart, #2)
Breakable by Tammara Webber
Contours of the Heart #2
Release Date: May 6, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Source: Purchased paperback
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms
Challenges: #OctobeRecFest, #ShelfLove, #TravelingtotheTerminus
Recommended by: Girls @Chapter Break, Naomi @Naomi's Reading Palace, Sharrice @Reese's Reviews, Robyn @Robgirlbooks, Tanya @Girl Plus Books, Teresa @Readers Live 1000 Lives, & Andrea (formerly The Bookish Babe)

He was lost and alone. Then he found her.
And the future seemed more fragile than ever.

As a child, Landon Lucas Maxfield believed his life was perfect and looked forward to a future filled with promise - until tragedy tore his family apart and made him doubt everything he ever believed.

All he wanted was to leave the past behind. When he met Jacqueline Wallace, his desire to be everything she needed came so easy...

As easy as it could be for a man who learned that the soul is breakable and that everything you hoped for could be ripped away in a heartbeat.

**This book was recommended by EVERYONE! (see above)**

I admit to being a little hesitant about Breakable, wondering how much more I could get out of the story being told from Landon/Lucas' POV. But it was so much more than simply a retelling of Easy. Webber gave me it all - everything Lucas endured, all he felt. And I fell for him even harder.

Although Breakable does give us more from Lucas' side of the story on how things went down with Jacqueline, it primarily related more about all that he experienced growing up - especially after the tragedy he suffered at 13. Witnessing all that through his eyes, how he internalized what happened, his dad's reaction to it, the way in which he (Lucas) coped, and, finally, what turned his life around broke my heart. But it also eventually put it back together.

I felt for Landon/Lucas. He didn't have many people on his side. And he continued to suffer devastating losses and/or blows. It was incredible the man he grew up to be and it was beautiful to watch him finally open up to Jacqueline. That took great strength and courage.

Breakable was deeply emotional and moving. And it was absolutely worth the read!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

That's What HE Said #76 ~ Impulse ~ Dannika Dark

That's What He Said is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies @Chapter Break. Here's the deal: every Thursday, post a line from your book boyfriend to his heroine. Keep in mind, these are direct quotes from dialog in the books. The quote doesn't have to be romantic - just something our hunky hero said to his lucky lady. Be sure to link up over at Chapter Break as well.

My pick this week for That's What He Said is from:

Impulse by Dannika Dark
Earlier this week I did some swooning over Logan Cross so I thought I'd share a little glimpse of why he's so swoon-worthy. Enjoy! *winks*


"I was made to protect you, female. I've claimed you, whether you accept it or not, and it's an honor that I take very seriously. If any male lays an unwanted finger on you, I will break it. If you hunger, I will feed you. If you're cold, then I will warm you with my body. If you're taken from me, then I'll track you. Never doubt my devotion to you." He gripped my head firmly. "I once gave a woman my heart, because that's all I had to give. But you, Silver, you're the pulse that keeps me alive. I was a soft man once, but no more. I don't know if you can accept the man that I've become, because all I have to offer you is my life..."

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

#OctobeRecFest Review #7 ~ Ricochet ~ Becca & Krista Ritchie #ShelfLove #TravelingtotheTerminus

Ricochet (Addicted, #1.5)Ricochet by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Addicted Series #1.5
Release Date: May 22, 20134
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Source: Purchased on Kindle
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms
Challenges: #OctobeRecFest, #ShelfLove, #TravelingtotheTerminus
Recommended by: Tanya @Girl Plus Books among others

As a sex addict, Lily Calloway must do the impossible. Stay celibate for 90 days.

Cravings and fantasies become her new routine, but while Loren Hale recovers from his alcohol addiction, Lily wonders if he'll realize what a monster she really is. After all, her sexual compulsions begin to rule her life the longer she stays faithful to him.

Progress. That's what Lily's striving for. But by trying to become closer to her family--people who aren't aware of her addiction--she creates larger obstacles. When she spends time with her youngest sister, she learns more about her than she ever imagined and sense an unsettling connection between Daisy and Ryke Meadows.

With Lily and Lo's dysfunctional relationship teetering and unbalanced, they will need to find a way to reconnect from miles apart. But the inability to "touch" proves to be one of the hardest tests on their road to recovery. Some love brushes the surface. Some love is deeper than skin.

Lily and Lo have three months to discover just how deep their love really goes.

First of all, this is listed as a novella and it's really a full-length novel. The only reason I can figure for the novella classification is that it primarily revolves around Lily, since Lo is in rehab, and this series as a whole is about them both. However, it does some incredible character development and it was a riveting addition to the series.

Ricochet mainly details Lily's 3 months dealing with her addiction on her own while Lo is in rehab for alcoholism. And by "on her won" I mean without Lo who's been a constant in her life since...well, forever. She does however have her sister, Rose, Rose's boyfriend, Connor, and Lo's half-brother Ryke on her side. 

What I enjoyed most about Ricochet was the character development. We get better acquainted with Lily's sister, Rose, seeing her compassion and devotion to her Lily as well as what drives her and even a glimpse of the "why" behind her drive. We also got to know Daisy, the youngest Calloway sister, better as well as witnessing the dynamics between the Calloway girls. This created a better understanding of them all. I also enjoyed getting to know Ryke better. His is rather prickly on the surface but he actually seems to have a heart of gold.

The most satisfying development was seeing Lily cope and mature. Her addiction to sex is one difficult to deal with. As her therapist said, sex is a natural part of life and therefore not something you can quit cold turkey. But Lily's devotion to Lo, her determination to not only not cheat on him but to also get healthier to enable them to build a healthier relationship was inspiring and admirable. It wasn't easy and Lily's flaws and insecurities were all laid bare. We got more history between her and Lo as well as witnessing some pivotal moments from her childhood - with her family and with Lo - that impacted her. In all, this was simply a well-crafted and integral part of Lily and Lo's story even if Lo was mostly MIA. Of course, he may not have been on the page but he was always "there." At any rate, I'm truly a fan of the Ritchie sisters at this pint and I can't wait for the rest of the story.

As an aside, this story has been rolling around in my brain and I've been thinking that some people may judge it (the story) and people like Lily because of her sex addiction. They may even judge her more harshly than Lo even though he has his own addiction. But over the course of the story, Lily learns the "why" behind her addiction and the things that led her to it are no different than those that lead other people to over-eating or over-spending. My point is that I hope readers give Lily and Lo a chance because even if they don't relate to precisely why they have their addictions, they really aren't that different from anyone else.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

#OctobeRecFest New Release Review #6 ~ Taken ~ Jennifer Dawson #2017NewRelease #TravelingtotheTerminus

Taken (Undone, #4)Taken by Jennifer Dawson
Undone Series #4
Release Date: October 24, 2017
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, BDSM
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the author. This did not affect my rating and my review is provided voluntarily.
Rating: 4 Bookworms
Challenges: #2017NewRelease, #OctobeRecFest, #TravelingtotheTerminus
Recommended by: Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Brandon Townsend III

Rich, beautiful and entitled, once upon a time he was king of the trust fund babies. He took anything and anyone he wanted, until one day, he walked away without explanation. Now, he's an untouchable mystery, one I'm determined to crack. And I'm not talking about anything mundane like his bed. No, I want something far more valuable.

I want into this head.

Veronica Westwood has blown into my life creating chaos in her wake, and I don't know quite what to do with her. Rich, beautiful and entitled, she represents everything I've sworn off in life, and her being unexpectedly clever doesn't change that. Instincts warn me to stay away, and that's just what I intend to do, no matter her attempts to wear me down. I'm good at saying no, or at least I was until I met her. I don't understand it, but she's like a weakness, and a man like me can't have weakness.

I simply won't allow it.

The Undone Series is one I've enjoyed immensely. Getting to know all these characters as well as seeing how they incorporate a BDSM lifestyle with their everyday life has been fascinating and a pleasure. The series wouldn't have been complete without having Brandon's story.

Brandon is a character whose story I was anxious to get. He's a bit of an enigma but I'd so delighted in seeing him on occasion in the previous installments - always doing his part to ensure the happiness of his friends but never letting anyone get too close to him. Needless to say I was eager to see him fall and find his own bit of happiness.

Brandon is from a wealthy Chicago family - a trust fund baby who left that life to find his own way. He shuns that life and the people who inhabit it, having made friends who know the real him. But in deference to his parents, he attends one social engagement a quarter, which is where he is cornered by Veronica.

Veronica is also from an old-money Chicago family. She knew of Brandon so when she decides to blow up her life by walking away from the expectations of her family, she knows he'll be the one to understand her. In her determination to earn a job under him, she finds Brandon understands her on an even deeper level than she imagined.

Veronica was the perfect yang to Brandon's yin. They challenged each other, snarked at one another, and Veronica couldn't have asked for a better guide as she began her exploration of the domination she desired and Brandon was eager to deliver. Their chemistry was visceral. However, I'd have liked a bit more on-page time where they built on that chemistry. It happened - it just wasn't all on-page and I felt that because of the trust needed in this sort of relationship, the building of that foundation of trust is something I'd have liked to witness. It's an element I appreciated in the previous installments so I felt its absence in this one.

Overall though, I was pleased. Seeing Brandon meet his match as well as watching Veronica learn more about herself and make friends who were real and that she could be real around was heartwarming. Getting to spend time with Michael and Layla, Leo and Jillian, and Chad and Ruby was also a pleasure. Mostly though, I appreciated that Brandon, and Veronica too, found the happiness they deserved.

Monday, October 23, 2017

#OctobeRecFest Review #5 ~ Impulse ~ Dannika Dark #ShelfLove #TravelingtotheTerminus

Impulse (Mageri, #3)Impulse by Dannika Dark
Mageri Series #3
Release Date: March 20, 2013
Genre: Adult, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance
Source: Puchased paperback
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms
Challenges: #OctobeRecFest, #ShelfLove
Recommended by: Lexxie @unConventional Bookviews and Lorna @RabidReads among others
Almost one year ago, a Mage attacked Silver and changed the course of her destiny.
Immortals exist, and now she is one of them.

Within the dark and supernatural city of Cognito, Silver is living under the watchful eye of her Ghuardian and dating her mortal enemy. Neither man can protect her from a dark secret, one buried within the contents of a box. As rival factions struggle to gain control, she finds herself in the middle of a centuries-old feud that threatens to drive a wedge between her and Logan Cross, the man who intends to seduce her.

In an explosive turn of events, one life is saved and another is forever altered. Can Silver trust those around her, or are they hiding a dark secret of their own?

Impulse was an exciting read. The world Ms. Dark has created around her characters is complex with the different Breed and the politics surrounding them. I intend to finish this series by year's end.


  • Characters
    Ms. Dark is adept at developing strong characters and even though the story revolves around Silver, the entire cast is heavily involved and I feel like I know them and am invested in them equally. In Impulse, I got more of Justus' history and it was illuminating. More was also revealed about Silver - her history, childhood, etc., and it went towards explaining much about her personality. I liked getting this deeper look into her psyche and I'm keen to see where Ms. Dark is going to take some of the information. There were also some revelations about Logan and Simon which I appreciated...especially Logan because he's.... *sigh*
  • Politics among Breed
    I find it extremely interesting that politics/tensions among Breed so closely parallel those in our own society. This is an element in Ms. Dark's writing I enjoy and admire because it's so thought-provoking. In Impulse, more was revealed about the intrigue surrounding the Mageri and I'm beginning to see where some things might be going. I also got to see the social structure within the Chitah, thanks to Logan and his brothers, and that was fascinating as well.
Overall, Impulse was kinda like unwrapping a present. There was something exciting or stunning every time I peeled back a layer. I learned so much about the characters and the world right alongside Silver. And I'm so curious to see where everyone goes from here. Ms. Dark really knows how to deliver complex characters, great plot, and a strong secondary cast which, when combined, makes for some fantastic reading.

Friday, October 20, 2017

#OctobeRecFest Review #4 ~ Knight ~ Kristen Ashley #ShelfLove #TravelingtotheTerminus

Knight (Unfinished Hero, #1)Knight by Kristen Ashley
Unfinished Heroes #1
Release Date: April 7, 2012
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance
Source: Purchased on Kindle
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms
Challenges: #OctobeRecFest, #ShelfLove, #TravelingtotheTerminus
Recommended byJessica @Rabid Reads

Anya Gage has learned that to get anything good in life, you have to work for it. She has no expectations, no dreams.

Then she finds herself at a party where she doesn't want to be and she meets Knight.

Knight Sebring knows who he is, what he wants and what he likes. And he gets it. But he never expected something as sweet as Anya Gage to wander into his bedroom during a party he did not expect to be having to borrow his phone.

Knight tries to leave Anya to the life she deserves of white picket fences and a man who watches football on Sundays - good, normal and clean. But when Anya comes to his nightclub and finds herself in a situation, he knows someone has to look after her, he can't fight it anymore and he decides that man will be him.

Knight teaches Anya that, just as with the bad, in life you should also expect the good. And he teaches her this by giving it to her.

But Knight has a dark past and just as he desires Anya for exactly who she is, he fears when she finds out exactly the man he has become and always intends to be, she'll leave him for good, normal and clean.

WARNING: This book is an ADULT EROTIC romance featuring an anti-hero. This novel contains explicit sex scenes and language. The hero in this novel lives a life by his own code with no apologies. He is not your "normal" hero. If you do not enjoy the above, this novel may not be for you.

Note - I know I'm supposed to be catching up on series I'm behind in but while this book is technically the first book in a series, I'm making my way through KA's recommended reading order for her books and this one was next on the list. =) Now on to the review...

KA, even when she takes a slightly different tack with her storytelling, still manages to deliver a story in her signature style. 

Knight, the first in her Unfinished Hero series, was that something a little different. Oh, Anya is her typical heroine...strong, resilient, smart, and sassy. I adored her. But Knight. Knight was an anti-hero. He was a good man who engaged in some maybe not so good things. His intentions and his heart - those were his redeeming qualities. He'd lived a portion of his life in an unsavory situation before it was made better. Anya lived a wonderful life until things went bad. Knight wanted to give her the gold - give her all he could to make her life wonderful again.

KA not only delivered a mighty fine romance. She also delivered a supporting cast that was fun to get to know. Anya had some great friends at her back - an defining element for KA. There was also some tension and a little suspense. And, of course, KA delivered all the feels. My emotions were all over the place. And Knight and Anya together were magic. So while this was a slightly different kind of KA, I still very much enjoyed it.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #68 ~ Impulse ~ Dannika Dark

This week's snippet is from Impulse by Dannika Dark. Honestly, it stuck out to me for two reasons: 1) the importance and emotion of Logan feeding, or in this case providing a beverage to, Silver, and 2) my very fond childhood memories of this particular beverage thanks to my grandma. *grins* The rest of the snippet, between Simon, Silver, and Logan, just made me giggle, so I had to share. *winks* 


"Why only one nipple ring?"
Simon glanced down and grumbled. "Hurt like a bugger; told the blighter I changed my mind." He flicked it with his pinky finger. "I'm too bleeding irritated about the whole affair to take it out." 
"You faced a firing squad, and yet you weep like a baby over a needle? I'm revoking your man card." 
"Let's pierce your nipples and see how much you warm up to the idea."
"I'll agree to that, " Logan said, setting a glass of chocolate milk in front of me. He swept my hair back and lowered his voice. "I'll be happy to assist with any healing you'll need."

Monday, October 16, 2017

#OctobeRecFest Review #3 ~ Edge of Oblivion ~ J.T. Geissinger #ShelfLove #TravelingtotheTerminus

Edge of Oblivion (Night Prowler, #2)Edge of Oblivion by J.T. Geissinger
Night Prowlers #2
Release Date: October 2, 2012
Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance
Source: Puchased paperback
Rating: 5 Bookworms
Challenges: #OctobeRecFest, #ShelfLove, #TravelingtotheTerminus
Recommended by: Lorna @Rabid Reads

There exists a world beyond our own. It is a world of ancient magic and well-guarded secrets, a world of strict laws and harsh punishments for those who betray them, a world inhabited by the Ikati, a race of gifted people who are so much more than they first appear. Brought together by fate in this world of danger and beauty, two people with dark pasts will meet.

Morgan is beautiful, smart, sexy...and about to die. Convicted of treason against her shape-shifting kin, she is given one last chance at redemption; discover the hidden lair of the enemy intent on destroying every one of her kind, or forfeit her life.

Xander is ruthless, heartless, cold-blooded...and assigned to kill her if she fails in her task. Expecting to feel nothing but contempt for the traitor under his watch, the assassin accompanies Morgan on her search, but as the two race through the heart of Italy while the clock winds down to zero hour, he finds himself drawn into a dangerous web of desire as powerful as it is forbidden. Their passion will test everything they believe in, and endanger the future of the tribe itself.

Sensual, edgy, and action-packed, Edge of Oblivion is a must-read for lovers of dark paranormal romance.

You know, it's been a few years since I read Shadow's Edge, book #1 in this series, and I have to commend Geissinger for creating a world and mythology that was so impressive I was immediately drawn back in. 


  • World building/mythology
    Not only did Geissinger create a mythology with history, culture, and a detailed social structure within the Ikati, she also brought the English countryside as well as Rome to life. The Ikati mythology uses Egyptian mythology and Geissinger incorporates such detail, everything felt visceral and/or "real".
  • Character development
    Morgan was a character I met in book #1 and I already liked her, identified with her and admired her even if her decisions were questionable. To see her grow in Edge of Oblivion, find answers about herself as she fought to save her life, and to find something in Xander that she never expected - well, it was fascinating. And Xander, a brutal, stoic man who believed he was immune to emotion because of traumatic events from his youth, was a character I enjoyed getting to know. I also appreciated seeing him grow and change as he gets to know Morgan and as she slowly knocked down his walls.
  • The mystery and secondary cast
    Morgan was tasked with finding the leader of the Expurgari in order to save her life. All that was discovered and revealed on that front was thrilling! I didn't figure out any of it and it was so well written. And again, the detail of the underground "world" beneath Rome, along with the characters who lived there was vivid, shocking, and moving. The secondary characters, whom I know I'll see more of, were well-drawn and engaging. From assassins to a princess, Geissinger made me care about them all.
Edge of Oblivion was captivating, adrenaline-inducing, and tear-jerking. It was a story that drew me in and kept me riveted. I'm eager to continue and see what comes next.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

My TBR List ~ October ~ And the Winner is... #MyTBRList


My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Michelle @Because Reading. I think it's a fabulous idea because it gets y'all in the game and it helps me knock off some of the many, many books on my TBR list. You're more than welcome to join in the fun! I've included the basic rules below but you can click on the graphic above to hop over to Michelle's site where you can find all the details. 

Here's how it works:
On the first Saturday of each month, I will make a post with three books from my TBR List (these books can be already on your ereader or bookshelf OR books you might want to purchase) and add your link on the linky that will be provided on Michelle's post. Y'ALL will help me choose which book I will read next. The following Saturday, I will announce which book won. Then the last Saturday of the month, I'll post my review.

Fun, right?!?


I'm continuing my quest, and working at one of my Bookish Resolutions to catch up on series (since I'm behind in 148 series) I'm once again having y'all decide which series I'm going to work at catching up on this month! :D

FYI, this will be my theme all year. And since I'm letting choose from the list of series I'm behind in, you might see books show up more than once. ;)

And the Winner is:

Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4)Lover Revealed
Black Dagger Brotherhood #4

Butch O'Neal is a fighter by nature. A hard-living ex-homicide cop, he's the only human ever to be allowed in the inner circle of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And he wants to go even deeper into the vampire world-to engage in the turf war with the lessers. He's got nothing to lose. His heart belongs to a female vampire, an aristocratic beauty who's way out of his league. If he can't have Marissa, then at least he can fight side by side with the Brothers...

Fate curses him with the very thing he wants. When Butch sacrifices himself to save a civilian vampire from the slayers, he falls prey to the darkest force in the war. Left for dead, he's found by a miracle, and the Brotherhood calls on Marissa to bring him back. But even her love may not be enough to save him...

Thanks for voting, y'all!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

That's What HE Said #75 ~ The Angel ~ Tiffany Reisz

That's What He Said is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies @Chapter Break. Here's the deal: every Thursday, post a line from your book boyfriend to his heroine. Keep in mind, these are direct quotes from dialog in the books. The quote doesn't have to be romantic - just something our hunky hero said to his lucky lady. Be sure to link up over at Chapter Break as well.

My pick this week for That's What He Said is from:

The Angel by Tiffany Reisz
This scene is of Griffin telling off Michael's dad...


"I love your son. And I'll break you if you ever even look at him sideways again. Your 'not normal' son is the most talented untrained artist I've ever seen. He's intelligent, an amazing skater, has a great sense of humor and is the kindest, most humble person I've ever met. I'm so in love with him I can't even think straight. Which is fine since obviously I'm not straight. And neither is he. Anyway, I'm rambling. I do that sometimes. Hard to shut me up. The point is..."
"Your opinions on... everything really, are not welcome here. Michael's fine. I'm taking care of him now. Shoo."

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

BLACKMAIL-Ch 15 of Consequences by M. Jane Colette #audiobook #excerpt #listentothis #ConAudioTour

BLACKMAIL-Ch 15 of Consequences by M. Jane Colette 
#audiobook #excerpt #listentothis #ConAudioTour

Welcome to Stop 15 of the Consequences AudioBook BlogTour
from CONSEQUENCES (of defensive adultery)
an EROTIC tragedy with a HAPPY ending
by M. Jane Colette
performed by Elisa Kae
18+ ADVISORY: Consequences is intended for an adult (18+) audience. It deals with mature subject matter, and contains explicit language and sexual content. Listener and reader discretion is advised.
The tour is bringing romance readers and listeners the opportunity to listen to all 48 full, unabridged chapters of Consequences well in advance of the audiobook’s Christmas release.
Plus, there are fabulous prizes at every stop, and 48 chances throughout the tour to enter to win a COMPLETE set of M. Jane Colette’s paperbacks!
Today, we bring you Chapter 15: BLACKMAIL. 

Click here to listen:
New to the tour? A synopsis and directions to the first stop, as well as a gateway to the text version of the chapter, follow!
An affair. HEARTBREAK. Consequences.  ABSOLUTION, redemption, and LOVE… in the most unexpected places–a steamy second chance romance unlike any you’ve ever experienced… featuring an ALPHA lover-confessor you haven’t DARED dream about.
Elizabeth did not plan to break up his marriage when she had an affair with her law school professor. But she did. Fifteen years later, she’s still coming to terms with the consequences of her youthful infatuation: a stepdaughter who hates her, an ex-wife who will never forgive the betrayal,  a sister-in-law who’s determined to make Elizabeth her confidante. Compelled to reveal the “tragedy of her life” to a nameless lover, Elizabeth finds herself forced to reconsider her definition of love, commitment, and responsibility—a process that finally releases her from the shackles of her past mistakes and shows her the way to her own happily-ever-after.
A NOTE ABOUT STRUCTURE: The story unfolds over the course of one night, as the narrator Elizabeth relates the “tragedy of her life” to her current lover as they, to quote a reviewer “do lover things.” The story Elizabeth tells spans 15 years. The scenes between Elizabeth and her lover are pure dialogue, and interrupt the “story proper.” There is no “he said/I said” in the dialogue between Elizabeth and her lover… a challenge the narrator solved masterfully, but which may give the first-time listener pause. To increase your enjoyment of the story, an opportunity to read, as well as listen to, the chapter, is provided.
PREFER TO READ? We’re on it. Here is a passworded-protected link to the written version of this chapter for tour participants’ eyes only. Your password is bookwormbrandee, and your gateway is here: CHAPTER 15: BLACKMAIL.
Enjoyed what you heard/read? The tour continues on Thurs Oct 12 with Chapter 16 // MAGIC CARPET RIDE hosted by SOUTHERN BRED & READ BOOK BLOG.
FIRST STOP: If this blog is your first stop on the tour, you might want to head back to stop number one, hosted by Tome Tender Blog: The Photograph, or to the Tour Home Page, and start from the beginning. There are chances to win prizes at every stop!

CONTEST LIVE UNTIL 12:00 am Nov 29, 2017

GRAND PRIZE TREASURE HUNT ENTRY, PART 15: For a chance to win one of two COMPLETE HARD COPY SETS of M. Jane Colette’s novels, send an email to, and:
  1. put  #ConAudioTour Day 15 in the subject heading,
  2. ask to be added to her Rough Draft Confessions newsletter (or tell Jane you’re already on her mailing list, and it’s awesome, when’s the next love letter coming?) and,
  3. answer the question: “How does Elizabeth define success?”
Hint: The answer’s contained in today’s chapter.
(The small print: Each tour stop offers you one opportunity to enter the GRAND PRIZE TREASURE HUNT DRAW, for a total of 48 entries if you complete the tour. The books that comprise the GRAND PRIZE are the novels Tell Me, Cherry Pie Cure, and Consequences, and the non-fiction collection of essays Rough Draft Confessions, including its controversially titled, available-only-in-Canada, beta reader / limited edition predecessor.) 

Softcovers at all the usual places, including Chapters ❤ Amazon ❤ Barnes & Noble ❤ Book Depository ❤ Powell’s Books and your favourite retailer
sign up for M. Jane Colette’s Rough Draft Confessions to get advance notice of its release
REMEMBER: The story continues on Thurs Oct 12 wit Chapter 16 // MAGIC CARPET RIDE hosted by SOUTHERN BRED & READ BOOK BLOG.

M. Jane Colette writes tragedy for people who like to laugh, comedy for the melancholy, and erotica for women and men who like their fantasies real. She believes rules and hearts were made to be broken; ditto the constraints of genres.
Connect with her on Twitter / GoodReads / FaceBook / Instagram and subscribe to her newsletter, Rough Draft Confessionsto stay in the loop on her WIPs, new releases, and fab multi-media, multi-author projects. You can also email her at
For more information about the tour & its other hosts, visit or check out the schedule below.

#ConAudioTour #SteamyListen #ListenToThis
visit for daily link updates

Mon Sept 25  Chapter 1 THE PHOTOGRAPH hosted by TOME TENDER BOOK BLOG // Tues Sept 26 Chapter 2 PINK PANTIES hosted by KIM KNIGHT // Wed Sept 27  Chapter 3  HARD TO OPEN hosted by WICKED COOL FLIGHT // Thurs Sept 28  Chapter 4  ENTER THE ADULTERER hosted by MISHA ELLIOTT // Sat Sept 30 Chapter 5 THE WOMAN IN RED hosted by ALYSSA LINN PALMER //Sun Oct 1 Chapter 6  THE WHORE WHO WORE TURQUOISE hosted by DIRTY BAD BLOGGERS //Mon Oct 2 Chapter 7  CARELESS hosted by ELIZA DAVID // Tues Oct 3 Chapter 8  REVENGE SEX hosted by CAMERON ALLIE EROTICA // Wed Oct 4  Chapter 9  RENAMING DESTINY hosted by SO…WHATCHA READING? // Thurs Oct 5  Chapter 10  DREAMING OF SILENCE hosted by THE READING CAT // Sat Oct 7 Chapter 11  BABY OIL hosted by JENNA HOWARD // Sun Oct 8 Chapter 12 SPERM DONOR hosted by AMAZEBALLS BOOK ADDICTS  // Mon Oct 9 Chapter 13 ALWAYS THE WOMAN’S FAULT co-hosted by Teri Hicks & Co’s READING OUT LOUD + SJs BOOK BLOG // Tues Oct 10 Chapter 14 CUNT IN A BOARDROOM hosted by TL CLARK // Wed Oct 11   Chapter 15  BLACKMAIL hosted by BOOKWORM BRANDEE // Thurs Oct 12  Chapter 16  MAGIC CARPET RIDE hosted by SOUTHERN BRED & READ BOOK BLOG // Sat Oct 14  Chapter 17  CONDOMS IN A SUITCASE hosted by AMANDA SIEGRIST  // Sun Oct 15  Chapter 18  COMING OUT hosted by MICHELE FOGAL // Mon Oct 16  Chapter 19  PRETTY BOY hosted by REAL TASTY PAGES // Tues Oct 17  Chapter 20  PROMISCUOUS POLYAMORY hosted by LOVES GREAT READS BLOG // Wed Oct 18  Chapter 21  EDUCATING PHILISTINES hosted by RAMPA PA GROUP // Thurs Oct 19  Chapter 22  FUCKING ARTISTS hosted by JENN’S BOOK OBSESSION // Sat Oct 21  Chapter 23  GUILT IN A TEA CUP hosted by SULTRY SIRENS // Sun Oct 22  Chapter 24  LABELS hosted by TORY RICHARDS  // Mon Oct 23 Chapter 25  COERCION hosted by ROXANA NASTASE // Tues Oct 24 Chapter 26  UNGRATEFUL hosted by CASEY’S CORNER // Wed Oct 25  Chapter 27  DUPLICATE hosted by A DREAMER’S BOOK BLOG // Fri Oct 27 Chapter 28  SECRETS IN A VELVET BAG hosted by LOVE INDIE ROMANCE // Sat Oct 28  Chapter 29  BITTERSWEET COFFEE hosted by THE GENRE MINX BOOK REVIEWS // Sun Oct 29 Chapter 30  WORDS ON THE SCREEN hosted by DEELYLAH MULLIN // Mon Oct 30 Chapter 31  ADDICTIONS hosted by ANGELICA DAWSON // Wed Nov 1 Chapter 32  ENABLER hosted by 2 CHICKS & A BOOK // Thurs Nov 2 Chapter 33  FOOLISH COUGAR hosted by A RISQUÉ BOOK AFFAIR BOOK BLOG  // Fri Nov 3 Chapter 34  NO MORE hosted by KATE FOREST // Sun Nov 5  Chapter 35  CRASH hosted by MISS J MONROE // Mon Nov 6 Chapter 36  SUFFERING FOR ART hosted by T&A BOOK BLOG // Nov 7  Chapter 37  PLAYING CUPID hosted by MISCHA ELIOT // Wed Nov 8 Chapter 38  EMASCULATION hosted by PHOEBE ALEXANDER // Thurs Nov 9 Chapter 39  RITUAL hosted by ROMANCE NOVEL GIVEAWAYS // Sun Nov 12 Chapter 40  MUSE hosted by SIP READ LOVE // Mon Nov 13  41  CHRISTMAS DAY hosted by DIRTY GIRL ROMANCE // Tues Nov 14  Chapter 42 CAST-OFFS hosted by JOJO THE BOOKAHOLIC // Wed Nov 15 Chapter 43  VIOLATION hosted by BOOK SNIFFERS ANONYMOUS // Thurs Nov 16 Chapter 44  AGAIN WITH THE CONFESSION hosted by WOPSY WOO BOOK BLOG// Sat Nov 18 Chapter 45  FETTERED, FREE hosted by CARRIE AUSTIN REVIEWS // Sun Nov 19  Chapter 46 ABSOLUTION hosted by READS2LOVE // Mon Nov 20 Chapter 47 THRESHOLD hosted by STEPHANIE’S BOOK REPORTS //FINALE: Tues Nov 21 Chapter 48   AN UNSATISFACTORY ENDING hosted by (UN)CONVENTIONAL BOOK VIEWS // Wed Nov 22  Full Recap on + Cyber Champagne Celebration of the Tour’s Success! // Thurs Nov 30 – GRAND PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED on