Tall, Dark & Handsome #1
Release Date: July 24, 2018
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Source: I received an eARC from the authors. This did not affect my rating and I voluntarily provided a review.
Rating: 4.5 Bookworms
Challenges: #2018NewRelease
I'm just a simple girl who likes dessert. And sexy men. And social media. So starting an anonymous video channel call The Sexpert as a side hustle to make up for my low-paying marketing job at Le Man Magazine seemed like a perfectly sensible career decision. Until we went viral, my boss accused my anonymous personality of stealing his idea, and now my super sexy new boyfriend, Andrew, is out to get me.
Her. Me. Whatever.
I don't want it to be her. I do not want this... sweet, delicious, shy social media nerd working at my best friend's magazine to be the face behind those perky cupcakes on the Sexpert channel. I don't want it to be her... because I like her. A lot. She's funny, and quirky, and smart, and creative... and... I really, really like her. It just can't be her.
But it is.
And now I have to choose.
My best friend?
Or... The Sexpert?
I met up with JA and Johnathan - actually met Johnathan for the first time - at Book Bonanze the night after I finished The Sexpert. The first think I did was ask JA if the TDH (Tall, Dark & Handsome) neighborhood was real. Okay, I actually first said how much fun the book was but I seriously was dying to know. It's not real. Phew! I know I'm out of the loop but I was hoping I wasn't that out of it. ;)
Anyway, Huss and McClain's foray into the world of romantic comedy was a fun time. It was the perfect blanace of comedy and romance and it dealt with relevant topics as well as taking us along for the ride for the journey of self-discovery both Eden and Andrew found themselves on.
Eden meets Andrew on a day that's seeminly indicating her life is changine...and all for the better. Then things take a downturn when she finds out Andrew - this guy she could really, really like, is tasked by her boss to figure out who the person behind The Sexpert is so he can sue her for intellectual property theft.
Andrew meets Eden on his first morning in town and he thinks Denver is looking mighty nice. The shine begins to fade a little when he starts thinking that the girl he just met - a girl that he could really, really like - might be the person behind The Sexpert and therefore his best friend's nemesis.
Y'all, the premise hooked me and the characters reeled me in. I adored Eden's awkward quirkiness and I enjoyed Andrew's artistic and compassionate way of looking at things. Their interactions were entertaining no matter what they were doing - looking at art or mountains, discussing work or sex. That they couldn't ignore the pull they felt despire knowing they could each make life messy for the other was fun and compelling. And I appreciated how they each learned so much about themselves in the process of trying to figure out how to do the right thing - decide what the right thing even was. Sigh. So good.
I look forward to more in this series and hope to see more of Eden and Andrew. Huss and McClain impressed me here. RomCom from this duo seems promising and I'm excited.
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