Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Robyn Jones' Shadow Town. My stop includes everything you need to know about the book, my review, and a giveaway!
Published: January 29, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance

It's available for only 99 cents during the blog tour, this week!
By day, nineteen-year-old Maggie Lane is property manager of Pearl Estates, a posh housing community owned by her father and occupied by Shadows. By night, she's a waitress at a local dive. When a girl at her night job disappears, she dives into Scooby mode. She might be able to handle a missing waitress on her own, but when a new Shadow moves in next door and turns her into a blushing, flirting, love-crazed girl, her need for answers unearths nightmares from her past and monsters of the here and now. It's possible her bad attitude might not be enough to carry her through.
I one-clicked Shadow Town the day it released because Robyn Jones...she knows how to write a story. She creates these vivid worlds - and I don't mean fantasy worlds - but the colorful every day world that you become fully immersed in. She imparts creative stories with new spins within the paranormal genre. She creates charismatic and quirky characters. And her words...oh, I love how she draws images with her words.
Maggie Lane is one tough chick. She's brave and fierce, and, as she's discovering, loving. Maggie had a sh!t life - truly. She's been beaten down, literally, both physically and psychologically. And she's still fighting - both for herself and any others she feels have been wronged or need protecting. Maggie sees herself as scary and mean but she's really quite sweet. She thinks her super power is seeing the Shadows - something she's been able to do for as long as she can remember. Once she finds out what this really means and secrets start being revealed, she learns she has a much greater super power.
She does manage to get herself into situations she can trouble getting out of. Luckily, she's managed to surround herself, recently, with enough good people who do what they can to protect her and save her (try to) from all the bad.
Shadow Town has quite the quirky cast of characters. There are evil parents and neighbors, jerky bartenders, a sweet little old grandma, dorky teenagers, the Shadows, whom she's always steered clear of, creepy bosses, and HOT best friends and boyfriends. Oh, and an adorable couple that Maggie works her matchmaking magic on, along with a little boy who finds Maggie is just what he needs.
Shadow Town is exciting and entertaining. We get to follow along as Maggie goes about solving mysteries and learns more about herself and the Shadows she's been living with. It's a lot of fun and terrifying at the same time. Yes, really. It was enjoyable watching Maggie make friends and fall in love, two things she's rather unfamiliar with. However, some of the predicaments she found herself in - well, I don't know if I could have been as brave or resourceful as she was.
Now, let's talk about my new book boyfriends - yes, plural. ;) There's Branden, Michael, and Damon. So as not give anything away, I'm going to describe them but not give the matching name. One is the best friend a girl could ever ask for. He's kind and brutally honest - yes, those can co-exist. Another appears one night with all his charm and sexy voice. He does his level best to woo her. And then there the last of the trio who is so sweet and possessive and caring and STUNNED when Maggie chooses him. They all are protective, loyal, and just love Maggie to pieces. But she only has eyes for one of these HOT boys!
My only issue with Shadow Town was that it was a bit slow out of the gate for me. I really wanted to understand the Shadows and that information was slow in coming. Of course, that was all part of Ms. Jones' master plan. I loved the little twist on the paranormal that was revealed. And I think you will, too.
Shadow Town was inventive and a lot of fun. It was a great introduction into Maggie Lane's world and I not above begging to get the next installment as soon as humanly possible!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I laugh when people fall down. It's a glitch in my programming, but even my mom has suffered this quirk. I have a BA in Studio Art from the University of Puget Sound.
My boys make me laugh every day. I steal pens; I try real hard not to. I collect those free bookmarks at the checkout counter at libraries. I've had more stitches than anyone I know. I love stories; writing them, reading them, watching them. You can email me at robgirlbooks@gmail.com.
I one-clicked Shadow Town the day it released because Robyn Jones...she knows how to write a story. She creates these vivid worlds - and I don't mean fantasy worlds - but the colorful every day world that you become fully immersed in. She imparts creative stories with new spins within the paranormal genre. She creates charismatic and quirky characters. And her words...oh, I love how she draws images with her words.
Maggie Lane is one tough chick. She's brave and fierce, and, as she's discovering, loving. Maggie had a sh!t life - truly. She's been beaten down, literally, both physically and psychologically. And she's still fighting - both for herself and any others she feels have been wronged or need protecting. Maggie sees herself as scary and mean but she's really quite sweet. She thinks her super power is seeing the Shadows - something she's been able to do for as long as she can remember. Once she finds out what this really means and secrets start being revealed, she learns she has a much greater super power.
She does manage to get herself into situations she can trouble getting out of. Luckily, she's managed to surround herself, recently, with enough good people who do what they can to protect her and save her (try to) from all the bad.
Shadow Town has quite the quirky cast of characters. There are evil parents and neighbors, jerky bartenders, a sweet little old grandma, dorky teenagers, the Shadows, whom she's always steered clear of, creepy bosses, and HOT best friends and boyfriends. Oh, and an adorable couple that Maggie works her matchmaking magic on, along with a little boy who finds Maggie is just what he needs.
Shadow Town is exciting and entertaining. We get to follow along as Maggie goes about solving mysteries and learns more about herself and the Shadows she's been living with. It's a lot of fun and terrifying at the same time. Yes, really. It was enjoyable watching Maggie make friends and fall in love, two things she's rather unfamiliar with. However, some of the predicaments she found herself in - well, I don't know if I could have been as brave or resourceful as she was.
Now, let's talk about my new book boyfriends - yes, plural. ;) There's Branden, Michael, and Damon. So as not give anything away, I'm going to describe them but not give the matching name. One is the best friend a girl could ever ask for. He's kind and brutally honest - yes, those can co-exist. Another appears one night with all his charm and sexy voice. He does his level best to woo her. And then there the last of the trio who is so sweet and possessive and caring and STUNNED when Maggie chooses him. They all are protective, loyal, and just love Maggie to pieces. But she only has eyes for one of these HOT boys!
My only issue with Shadow Town was that it was a bit slow out of the gate for me. I really wanted to understand the Shadows and that information was slow in coming. Of course, that was all part of Ms. Jones' master plan. I loved the little twist on the paranormal that was revealed. And I think you will, too.
Shadow Town was inventive and a lot of fun. It was a great introduction into Maggie Lane's world and I not above begging to get the next installment as soon as humanly possible!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I laugh when people fall down. It's a glitch in my programming, but even my mom has suffered this quirk. I have a BA in Studio Art from the University of Puget Sound.
My boys make me laugh every day. I steal pens; I try real hard not to. I collect those free bookmarks at the checkout counter at libraries. I've had more stitches than anyone I know. I love stories; writing them, reading them, watching them. You can email me at robgirlbooks@gmail.com.