Thursday, February 20, 2014

**Think Out Loud ~ #14 ~ What Do YOU Do?**

Welcome to Think Out Loud, a weekly meme hosted by Thinks Books. This is a meme where you can post about anything and everything you rules! Make sure you link up over at Thinks Books, too. 


I have a couple of things I've been mulling over and decided I'd just ask y'all what you do! ;)

First of all, I've had an increase in the number of spam comments I've been getting since the beginning of the year. I guess it's not that big a deal but it's irritating. I know some of you use the 'prove you're not a robot' spam control that blogger provides. But what other methods are there? Do those of you who use Comment Love or Disqus have the same problem? Is this something I should just ignore??

Also, I'd like to know how you guys rate books on GR, Amazon, etc., when you're giving a half star rating. For instance, if you're rating a book 3.5 stars, do you mark it a 3 star or a 4 star? My rating system here on my blog has half bookworms (thanks to my daughter) but I've been wondering if I should round up or down where there is no half star available.

So, there are my questions for y'all. :) Please, help me out here! Let me know how you handle spam and/or rounding in your ratings.