Welcome to Brandee's Bookish Babble. There are many, many similar posts to this one - but basically I wanted a place to discuss bookish and/or blogging stuff and I needed a title. :) So this is my new discussion feature.
Recently, my friend Robyn (@robgirlbooks) and I read the first 2 books in CD Reiss' Songs of Corruption series. As the title implies, it's not reading-lite. While chatting about the books, Robyn confided that the characters' actions were disturbing her...keeping her awake. She's the same way with certain tv series, such as Sons of Anarchy. I, on the hand, had no such issues. But as she was telling me how dark themes and morally questionable characters make her feel, I began wondering how dark is too dark?
Me? I haven't met a dark book I didn't like. I appreciate the provocative nature of dark books...seeing characters do things that toe - and sometimes cross - the lines morally and ethically. I like seeing the fallout from the actions. I like diving into the psychology behind a person's actions. It's all very compelling...for me.
I figure we all have our limits even if I haven't found mine yet. And I figure our limits are as different as we are in in our reading tastes. So I want to know...what are you limits? Do you know? How dark is too dark?