Thursday, August 6, 2015

That's What HE Said #33 ~ Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #12

That's What He Said is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies @Chapter Break. Here's the deal: every Thursday, post a line from your book boyfriend to his heroine. Keep in mind, these are direct quotes from dialog in the books. The quote doesn't have to be romantic - just something our hunky hero said to his lucky lady. Be sure to link up over at Chapter Break as well.

My pick this week for That's What He Said is from:

Knight of Ocean Avenue by Tara Lain

I buddy read this with Lexxie @Unconventional Bookviews and I'm so happy she introduced me to Ms. Lain! Keep an eye out for our blogger chat review. ;)  

"And if I'm going to be like you, it's not fair for me to not come out to my family. I want them to know me, and I want them to know you. If they can't handle it, well that's that."

In this scene, Billy and Shaz have confessed their feelings to one another, and Billy is explaining to Shaz that he inspires him with the way he lives. So it's important to Billy that he live in the same manner.


Shaz is nothing if not classy. So of course, he drinks champagne over beer. Luckily, Billy finds he rather enjoys a glass at times...especially when studying with Shaz.

As he undressed, Shaz opened the champagne and poured two glasses, then carefully placed a big cushion in the middle of the bed. Okay, this looked like fun studying.