Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts is a weekly meme hosted by my blogger wife, Lexxie, @(un)Conventional Bookviews. It's a way to highlight a book using quotes that revolve around food and/or drinks. Every Thursday, post a line or two...or heck, a whole paragraph, that spoke to you in some way using food or drinks. *wink* Don't forget to link up!
My pick this week for Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts is from:
Once Bitten, Twice Shy by C.C. Wood
So Lex is the bossy Greek vampire but in this scene he shows he's very capable of caring for his woman.
"Lex put a stew together for our lunch this morning before the guys left," she said.
I jerked my hand back from the lid of the pot as though I'd burned myself. "What?"
She went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before she went to the bar and sat down on a stool.
"Yeah. He knew you hadn't eaten breakfast and said you were losing too much weight. He put all that together in like fifteen minutes and told me to make sure you ate a bowl of it around noon."
I stared at her blankly for a few seconds. "He said I'm losing too much weight?" I asked incredulously.
I was short, but not a small woman. In fact, my mother, who had been the same size since high school, gave me a huge guilt trip about my weight almost every time we spoke. I even had a bit of a complex about it. I had curves and I likely always would. No way in hell would I starve myself to fit what society considered the 'norm'. Did I want to be healthier? Yes, but I didn't necessarily think those stick-thin women were healthier either. A person who enjoyed good nutrition shouldn't be able to count every rib.
Donna smirked at me. "Yeah, apparently the Greek god agrees with me that you're gorgeous just the way you are."