Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Post #23 ~ Motivationally & Time Challenged...

Sunday Post

As y'all probably all know, the Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share my news from the week whether it be book, blog, or just life news. 

Ha! Well, I had thought to do Sunday Posts once a month in 2018...that didn't work out so then I decided maybe I could do it once a quarter. Uh, it's April so we're into the second quarter of 2018 and... Guess, I'll figure it out...eventually. Seriously though y'all, how is it ALREADY APRIL?!?

As the title of my posts says, I'm being challenged both motivationally and time-wise. This means I haven't wanted to write reviews. I don't feel like getting blog posts done (I'm sooo behind!). This also means I've not been a good blogger friend and I'm sorry for that. I've become a "binge commenter" to quote Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup. I wanted to say a "comment bomber" but that one word has such negative connotations these days, so... I *HAVE* done something that I think will help. See, I follow everyone via email because...well, I'm old-school. But y'all. My inbox was seriously overflowing. Seriously So I took a day and cleaned out my inbox... ~24,000 emails. Yep. You read that right. I deleted emails from 2016! I said it was seriously overflowing. ;) And now I'm following everyone via feedly (thanks to the suggestion from my blogger wife, Lexxie) I think this will help me comment more efficiently. 

I've also been traveling back and forth to Texas quite a bit. For those of you who've been around awhile, you may remember my grandma being diagnosed with cancer several years back. Well, her health has been declining a bit and after discovering a lump in her arm pit, we found out just last week that there's some cancer there. Fortunately, it's contained locally and she's only going to have to endure surgery to remove the lymph node involved and no further treatment will be necessary. Phew!

I wanted to tell you about some other things I've been up to but since that would involve MANY words, I'm doing it with pictures. Here's what I've been doing:

I celebrated my birthday this past week! I received a very generous gift from my blogger wife (Thanks again, Lexxie! <3) and the first book I purchased with my gift card was:

Rock Chick Reborn (Rock Chick, #9)

Is 2018 flying right on by for y'all, too?!? :) 


2018 Challenges Update

I participated in #TakeControl Challenge during the month of March. I had challenged myself to reading 15 books and as it turns out, I fell way short. I changed up my lineup due to mood and the fact that the audio series I had chosen just wasn't doing it for me. But with traveling, etc., I didn't even hit my "usual" mark. Here are the books I did manage to complete. And it's a win even if I didn't read all 15. Any book off the TBR pile is a score! :) Oh, and I didn't quite finish Golden Trail by the end of March, but I'm still counting it. ;)

Jack & Coke (Uncertain Saints MC, #2)Beautifully Done (Beautifully Awake, #2)Consolation (The Consolation Duet #1; Salvation #3)Unmaking Marchant (Love Inc., #3)The Alice NetworkPast Imperfect (Perfect, #2)End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days, #3)Golden Trail (The 'Burg, #3)Dark Desires After Dusk (Immortals After Dark, #6)

#2018HW Report Card for Quarter One
My goal is 1 book a month. I only managed to read 2 books in the first quarter (0 in March) so that means I got a "B" and I'm happy with that. Hopefully, I can score an "A" in the second quarter.

Steal the Day (Thieves, #2)Epilogue (The Dark Duet, #3)

#2018NewRelease - 8 books
#Audiobook Challenge - 9 books
#authorluv - none yet
#BloggerShame - none yet
Read All the Books - none yet
#ShelfLove - 22 books

How are y'all doing with your challenges?