Thursday, April 11, 2013

**Feature & Follow #20**

Welcome to the Blog Hop! 

Feature & Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by the talented ladies behind AlisonCanRead and Parajunkee's View. The intent of this blog hop is to get out there and meet other bloggers and gain new followers yourself. What sets this blog hop apart is the Feature. Each week, two blogs are featured, one at AlisonCanRead and one at Parajunkee's View. So make sure to hop over to those blogs to check out this week's Features.

This week's Features are:
Dear Restless Reader
Mab is Mab

This week's question is: We are about to see lots of posts and tweets about reader conventions as RT, BEA, ALA and many more are starting soon. Which one would you love to attend? Where and why?

Well, I've never been to a reader convention before BUT I'm going to RT in Kansas City in just a few short weeks. I.CANNOT.WAIT! Kansas City may not have been my preferred venue but it's in New Orleans next year, so maybe...

What about y'all? Have you been to or are you going to a reader convention this year?