Sunday, January 4, 2015

**More Bookish Challenges for 2015**

I've decided to join in two more challenges. I'm doing sooo many...but I'm feeling good. I think I'm gonna ROCK challenges in 2015!! :) 

Each of the challenges are year-long...


I'm joining in the #FitReaders Challenge. Berls @Fantasy is More Fun participated in this one last year (formerly called Book Blog Walkers) and it really helped her get more active. So I decided to give it a go this year. It's hosted by Felicia the Geeky Blogger and That's What I'm Talking About. For all the details on this challenge, click on the button above.


And I've decided to join in the LGBT Challenge hosted by Cayce @Niji Feels. I'm aiming for the Genre Hopper level of 3-10 books. For all the details on this challenge, click the button.


So along with the Show Your Shelves Some Love, the Reading Assignment Challenge, my Goodreads Challenge, COYER, the Mythology Reading Challenge, and my Bookish Resolutions, that makes a total of NINE challenges for this year. Wish me luck!