That's What He Said is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies @Chapter Break. Here's the deal: every Thursday, post a line from your book boyfriend to his heroine. Keep in mind, these are direct quotes from dialog in the books. The quote doesn't have to be romantic - just something our hunky hero said to his lucky lady. Be sure to link up over at Chapter Break as well.
My pick this week for That's What He Said is from:
Paradise City by CJ Duggan
"Avoiding you?" He laughed. "Crazy uncle aside, Lex, I'm still crazy about you."
Ballantine isn't a man of many words, so I thought it was sweet when, after one of many misunderstandings, he made sure Lexie knew how he felt.
"I had to sip the bubbly excess off the top so it wouldn't dribble over the edge. Which didn't help in the slightest because I didn't see the upsweep of a set of menus hit me, dumping raspberry lemonade all down my white top."
Oh catty girls! I can't say as I've ever ended up with raspberry lemonade on my because I made a girl mad...thank goodness! But Lexie...well, you'll just have to read Paradise City to see why she ended up a pink, sticky mess. ;)