I dedicated these last two months of 2017 to finishing up series I was behind in by 1 or 2 books - #TravelingtotheTerminus.
I managed to complete the following series:
Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day
Games Series by Nyrae Dawn
New Camelot Series by Sierra Simone
Tempest Series by Michelle Mankin
I almost completed these series:
The Mageri Series by Dannika Dark
Blackcreek Series by Riley Hart
Pushing the Limits Series by Katie McGarry
That's not very many considering the list is like 42 series long but I did a re-read of the first two in Day's Crossfire series so that put me behind. At any rate, I'll be working at this goal again in 2018.
***2017 Challenges End-of-Year Updates***
#2017 Bookish Resolutions
Y'all can click here for a list of my resolutions for 2017 but in the end, I still managed to accomplish some and fail at others. Again, I looked at these resolutions as goals which means I didn't really fail. *grins* Laura and Michelle are hosting this challenge again in 2018 but I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to participate...
#2017HW Report Card for Quarter One
Y'all can click here for a list of my resolutions for 2017 but in the end, I still managed to accomplish some and fail at others. Again, I looked at these resolutions as goals which means I didn't really fail. *grins* Laura and Michelle are hosting this challenge again in 2018 but I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to participate...
#2017HW Report Card for Quarter One
#2017NewRelease - 46 books
I totally hit my goal of New Release Pro this year - 31-60 books - so I'm happy with that. Lexxie is once again hosting the New Release Challenge and I plan to participate.
#Audiobook Challenge - 26 listens
I didn't quite make my goal of 30 books but I'm proud of what I accomplished. I plan to join in this challenge again in 2018.
#authorluv - 1 book
Yep, kinda failed at showing CoHo some love. But I *DO* love her so and I plan to get more read in 2018.
I didn't quite make my goal of 30 books but I'm proud of what I accomplished. I plan to join in this challenge again in 2018.
#authorluv - 1 book
Yep, kinda failed at showing CoHo some love. But I *DO* love her so and I plan to get more read in 2018.
#BloggerShame - 10 books
I failed to reach my goal of 20 books but 10 is better than none so I'm considering that a win. :) I'll work at it more in 2018.
I failed to reach my goal of 20 books but 10 is better than none so I'm considering that a win. :) I'll work at it more in 2018.
Read All the Books - 11 books
I still have quite a bit of Sabrina Jeffries' backlist to tackle but I'll get there. This is an ongoing challenge so I'll be working at it again in 2018.
I still have quite a bit of Sabrina Jeffries' backlist to tackle but I'll get there. This is an ongoing challenge so I'll be working at it again in 2018.
#ShelfLove - 85 books
I *nailed* this challenge goal of 51+ books! Woohoo! I might be most proud of having made this goal because that was my aim - to read more of the books I own! Even though the lovely ladies at Chapter Break and Second Run Reviews aren't hosting this challenge in 2018, I plan to continue showing my shelves lots of love.
I'm once again participating in the Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Berls & Michelle @BecauseReading. I'm committing to reading 1 book a month. You can click the button above for details on the challenge. One of the *big* changes they made to the challenge this year is that you only have to create a list for January to June and then in June, create a list for July to December. Yay! Hopefully this will help me stick to my list. My first half of 2018 Reading List is:

I *nailed* this challenge goal of 51+ books! Woohoo! I might be most proud of having made this goal because that was my aim - to read more of the books I own! Even though the lovely ladies at Chapter Break and Second Run Reviews aren't hosting this challenge in 2018, I plan to continue showing my shelves lots of love.
I've decided to cut down on the number of challenges I'm doing in 2018. I'm having issues keeping up with all of them all! ;)
I'm once again participating in the Audiobook Challenge hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and Hot Listens. My goal for 2018 is Binge Listener or 20-30 books. :)
I'm once again joining in the Blogger Shame Challenge hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup. (click the button for all the details) I really am working at reading all those ARCs I requested from Netgalley. *winks* I'm aiming to read 20 books. That ought to help my rating. :)
I'm once again participating in the New Release Challenge hosted by Lexxie @(un)ConventionalBookViews. You can click the button above for all the details but I'm challenging myself to New Release Pro level again in 2018 because I *still* want to read books I already own. :) So that means I'll aim for 31-60 new releases.
Sabrina Jeffries is my author of choice for this challenge. So far, I've finished 11 of her books. :) If you want in on this challenge, click the button for details.
I'm once again participating in the Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Berls & Michelle @BecauseReading. I'm committing to reading 1 book a month. You can click the button above for details on the challenge. One of the *big* changes they made to the challenge this year is that you only have to create a list for January to June and then in June, create a list for July to December. Yay! Hopefully this will help me stick to my list. My first half of 2018 Reading List is:

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