This challenge is hosted by Berls @Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @Because Reading.
This month, I read Fight With Me (which also counted towards the COYER Next in Series RAT) and Breathe. So far I've read 4 of 24 from my Reading Assignment. (images take you to my reviews)
This challenge is hosted by Chapter Break and Second Run Reviews.
I've shown my shelves some love - my digital shelves anyway. ;) I've read 13 books so far! You can click here to check out the books and their reviews on Goodreads or click on the book images below.
As part of this challenge, I budgeted $10/month for books. In February, I only spent $2. You read that right! I only *purchased* TWO books. Which means I carried over $8 to March PLUS the 5 books I *earned*. I gotta say though that I'm rather enjoying NOT purchasing books. (Don't worry, I still add books...they're just freebies!)
With that in mind, I altered the ways in which I could earn books - at least where reading is concerned. Now, I must read 5 books from my shelves to earn a book. The other ways to earn stayed the same...for every week that I exercise 5 days, I earn a book. And for every 5000 words I write on my book, I earn a book.
So for February, I earned:
15 Books = 3 Books Earned
2 Weeks of 5 days of Exercise = 2 Books Earned
~8000 Words Written = 1 Book Earned
~8000 Words Written = 1 Book Earned
As for writing, I'm really struggling right now. I had about a week where I was on a roll but then life got in the way. We'll see how March goes.
Also, I'm once again going to tweak my *earning* methods. I've made it too easy on myself. Even though I'm not one-clicking that much, I'm also not feeling any 'pain'. :) Look for the changes to my earning methods in next month's update.
This challenge is also hosted by Berls @Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @Because Reading.
So far, I've read 35 books for COYER and there's only 1 week left. I haven't posted all my reviews yet, so I better get busy! I'm proud of the number of books I've cleaned off my ereaders, though. :)
This challenge is hosted by Niji Feels.
I read one book that qualified for this challenge in February.

This challenge is being hosted by Lili Lost in a Book.
I challenged myself achieve God level or 6-10 books. So far, I've read:

Lexxie @Unconventional Book Views and Stormi @Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! are co-hosting this year-long challenge to read books being released in 2015. I challenged myself to reach New Release Newbie status - or 1-15 books. Y'all, I didn't realize I'd already read so many! I think I need to reach higher! ;)
I'm pretty happy with my progress with all my challenges. Bring it on, March!