Wednesday, June 25, 2014

**Release Day Blitz, Cover Reveal & Giveaway ~ Come & Come Back ~ JA Huss**

Welcome to the Release Blitz for Come and the Cover Reveal for Come Back by the fabulously talented JA Huss!! I have all the information for these books, a few teasers, and a giveaway.

Come (Dirty, Dark, & Deadly #1)
by JA Huss
Genre: Erotic Suspense
Release Date: June 25, 2014

My name is James Fenici and you will never see me coming. I walk the shadows like darkness itself. I hide in the corners where nobody looks. I live by no rules, I have no boundaries, I take no prisoners, and I never, ever blink. I am not your knight in shining armor; I’m your worst nightmare.

My name is James Fenici and you are my target. Only one of us is getting out alive, and that’s not gonna be you. Once your name is on my list, your life is over. It’s a deal I make with death, it’s a contract I sign in blood, it’s forgone conclusion—get used to it.

My name is James Fenici and I’m as dirty as they come. But then one day I saw her. And every monster I thought I was. Every fact I thought I knew. Every dirty promise I ever turned down came back to slap me in the face.

My name is James Fenici and I think I am in love.

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“I watched you all morning as you did your circuit. Pull-ups hanging off the railing of the pier. Running the steps that lead to the beach exactly fifty times. Sit-ups lying on the sand. And then the final

cooldown walk out to the end of the pier just before dawn. And the entire time, your eyes were sweeping the area. Looking for people.”

“I never saw you,” I say, the panic back again.

“No, I’m not someone who likes to be seen, Harper. I’m someone who likes to do the seeing. But I figured,” he continues, changing the subject back to me, “you were just being careful. Maybe a bit
paranoid. Afraid of getting mugged by a crazy homeless person looking for drugs. Typical shit, Harper.”

The way he says my name, God. Why is this man making me feel like this?

“So I was curious. Just an ordinary kind of curious. The kind of curious I feel when I see an unusual bug. But diving off a pier—great form by the way, did you take diving in school?” He doesn’t wait for my answer. “Diving off a pier, to avoid telling me your name? Now that... Harper, that shit is downright intriguing.”

“It is?” 

“Yes.” His lips touch my ear this time. His tongue slides in and flicks against my skin. I hunch my shoulders and let out a moan. “I still want the dirty fuck. But not right now.”

“Oh God,” I whimper. “Just say it already, what do you want with me?”

He pulls away. His hand comes back to my throat, but it doesn’t rest there. No. His fingertips are prodding me to lift my head up and meet his gaze head on.

I obey. It’s I’m like stuck in a trance. He’s entranced me.

“I want to know you.”

And then his mouth is on mine, his tongue probing, pushing for entrance. His hand goes to that spot between my legs where it throbs wildly as he creates friction, calling forth more wetness. His other hand goes to my breast, the nipple hard and bunched from the cold water, my skin tingling with anticipation, fear, and want.

He tastes like salt and he kisses like the sea. Like a dangerous, killing, unforgiving sea that can do whatever it wants with my body. Toss me, twirl me, take me under and steal the breath right out of me. Make me powerless.

And that’s exactly how I feel.

I am in love with this cover!!! Of course, I love anything Ms. Huss does. What do y'all think? I can't wait to get my hands on this one!

Come Back (Dirty,  Dark, And Deadly #2)
by JA Huss
Genre: Erotic Suspense
Release Date: July 21, 2014

“Secrets keep the darkness alive,” Harper tells me. But that’s not how I see it at all. Secrets keep me alive. The truth is overrated. Honesty is never the best policy. And everything you know absolutely can hurt you. The contracts I fulfill are just agreements. Death is a business deal. Secrets are currency in my world. I pay my debts with them. I feed on them. They ground me in the present and they promise me a future. I’ve lived a life filled with secrets for so long—I forgot what it’s like to... feel.

Until I saw Harper. Until I saw how beautiful she’s become. How perfect, and pure, and innocent of all the ugly that goes on around her. And that dirty promise I refused the night her father turned me into a killer twelve years ago is suddenly on the table again.

Harper can be mine. No—Harper will be mine. All I have to do is
complete the mission.

Death is a business deal.

And I just shook his hand.

“I think I know why he didn’t kill Merc.”

“Why?” Harper asks quickly, turning around to see Sasha.

“Because Merc is gonna kill him.”

“That’s fucking it!” I swerve the Hummer over to the almost non-existent shoulder, and slam on the breaks. “You shut your fucking mouth, kid! Or I swear to fucking God, I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” Harper asks, her eyebrows raised up to the ceiling. “She’s got legitimate questions, James. And to be honest, I’m interested in the answers. Who was the guy who took her? And why was he sending me messages?”

“Harper, use your fucking brain. Why do you think he was sending you messages?”

“Why? If he knew where to find me, then why didn’t he just take me? Why play this game? I’m sure my father has a reward out. Or a hit.”

“Oh, is that where we’re at again? You think I’m here to kill you? Did you know the smurf is an assassin too? Or did you not put that two plus two together yet?”

“Don’t insult me, Tet. I figured that out, thanks.”

“Then maybe you’re her target and not mine? How about that?”

“So why hasn’t she killed me?”

“I haven’t killed you either, but you still think that’s my job. And while we’re all playing let’s confess to shit we’re not doing, what’s your job, Harper? Who the fuck are you and your brother after?”

“Oh, snap!” Sasha says loudly.

“Shut up!” Harp and I yell together.

“She’s playing us, you do realize that, right? I mean, you can see that now, right? She’s egging us on, making us fight.”

“I’m just trying to tell you something,” Sasha squeals. “Something you don’t know but I do. And you know what? Forget it. You don’t deserve my help if you’re gonna treat me like a traitor! I was kidnapped for her!” She shoves Harper on the shoulder and Harp reacts and slaps her hand off, turning around like she’s gonna dive back there and start a real fight. 

“Sit back, Harper.” I growl as I yank her by the arm and push her against the door. I pull back onto the road before one of these girls decides to get out of the car. I am not in the mood to chase them down in this heat.

“I don’t want to travel with you anymore,” Harper says as she crosses her arms and turns her back to me. “I’m leaving when we get back to civilization.”

“I’m leaving too. I’d rather die than go back to Merc. I’ll find Ford on my own.”

Called that one.


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JA Huss is the USA Today best-selling author of the Rook and Ronin series, the epic science fiction I Am Just Junco series, and hundreds of kid-friendly science books in subjects such as biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, astronomy, and forensics. She has an undergraduate degree in equine science and a master's degree in forensic toxicology. She has never taken a creative writing class and she hopes she never will.