Welcome to Think Out Loud, a weekly meme hosted by Thinks Books. This is a meme where you can post about anything and everything you want...no rules! Make sure you link up over at Thinks Books, too.
I'm gonna let y'all in on a little quirk about me. I hoard B&N gift cards. Yep, I have the hardest time letting go of them. I have so, so many books on my wish list (it's really embarrassing) but I go to the book store and then think "but if I buy this, I'll only have $__ left" and so I leave without purchasing that book I've wanted for a year! I don't have this problem with Amazon gift cards because I just load them on my account and one-click til my finger hurts. But I save my B&N gift cards for physical books and...is it just me?? Does anyone else hoard gift cards? To anywhere??